Ad Age Readers Commend Roehm Firing. Adrants Readers Not So Much

Hey, wait a minute Ad Age. We did our survey first and it was a split decision. Oh wait. You have all those old, conservative readers and we have all the cool new kids. Now we get why the survey results differed. It seems Adrants readers enjoy working with Julie Roehm-ish drama more than Advertising Age readers. Eighty one percent of Advertising Age readers feel Wal-mart made the right move in firing Julie Roehm. What's that they say about research? Oh wait, we don't want to nullify out own survey results now do we?
She is a joke. The only bigger joke are those around her who wouldn't know the real thing if it bit them in the ass.
I have a feeling that WalMart is simply the more tightlipped and therefore, professional, of the parties. She knows this and fires away with seeming impunity. My guess is if WalMart put all the facts on the table there might be some very ugly stuff.
Thanks for calling me cool!
If accepting dinner and transportation from a vendor is wrong, then so is the rest of the entire business and marketing world. People have meetings and shmooze over dinner, and nobody in their right mind would hope to impress someone with a crappy meal. Whether people like it or not, that's how the business works: it's politics. If you're part of marketing, you better expect to be part of the politics of business, and that's that.
If accepting dinner and transportation from a vendor is wrong, then so is the rest of the entire business and marketing world. People have meetings and shmooze over dinner, and nobody in their right mind would hope to impress someone with a crappy meal. Whether people like it or not, that's how the business works: it's politics. If you're part of marketing, you better expect to be part of the politics of business, and that's that.
She's Hot.
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