Marketing Manager Has No Idea What Customers Want

Like the sudden impact of that MasterCard Priceless Blowjob ad, Ventura Foods Marketing Manager Christina Ong in an article about legal wranglings over the proper labeling of guacamole dip and the ingredients of the company's own recently acquired Dean's Zesty Guacamole said, "I have no idea what consumers expect." Hmm. Hope that one doesn't find a home on her resume.
Cut her a break - it's a welcome relief from many marketers' arrogance. (Though I do wish she'd call them 'people' instead of 'consumers'.)
Sounds like some reporter may have quoted her out of context, and the favor's getting repeated.
Lots of food labels are misleading. Most cranberry juices are grape juice (so they're now called Cranberry "cocktail"). And try to find angels in angel food cake. Bet you can't.