Agencies, Government Bodies Brainstorm for At-Risk Snot-Nosed Teens

The Ad Council and the US Army join forces, enlisting AdPack to help them encourage teens to stay in school. The result? Boost Up. The gimmick? Branded tissues by Zim-squared (sorry, we can't make that symbol without getting our post all fudgey) for at-risk youth throughout NYC.
That's almost too inspirational for words. You know what? Pencils would have been more useful. Or even green recess balls with good bounce to them. We can't think of anything to say to this mediocre effort besides you guys suck. You would probably have sucked less if you ran these kids over with recruiter vans. And we're almost 99% sure those tissues you're so generously doling out don't come in neat tiki man-shaped boxes, either.
Ha! My grandmother gave me that Tiki tissue box for Xmas... my parents were anxiously awaiting to snap a picture of my face after opening the possibly worst Xmas gift ever. Needless to say, I didn't keep it.
Ariel, how could you?! That thing's a showstopper, man. That thing could get a guy laid countless times.
Fuck the guy (I guess not literally in this sense)... what about me? I somehow don't see "hey, want to see my Tiki tissue box?" pushing the hint factor.
It's all in how you work it, baby cakes. *does creepy wink, immediately regrets it*
Ha! Nice.
I think it is great what they are doing. Schools are in need of so much and it is good to see people donating. I agree pens, paper, books and/or tissues are all things you would need in a school and lets not knock a supporter of our future. The message seemed to be appropriate and I know that we have all used a tissue while in class.
I think it is great what they are doing. Schools are in need of so much and it is good to see people donating. I agree pens, paper, books and/or tissues are all things you would need in a school and lets not knock a supporter of our future. The message seemed to be appropriate and I know that we have all used a tissue while in class.
I teach at a middle school in New Jersey and the number one item we are asked for by students are tissues. Every day of every week. We welcome free tissues for our classrooms, and if the army has a message to stay in school, who cares. TissueBox Advertising never sends our school controversial tissue boxes, they actually ask us to approve things first!