PubesAid Gets Outed, Hair Keeps Helping the Hungry


The culprits behind that Pubes Aid campaign (where celebs sell pubies for the young and hungry) have outed themselves in a series of self-aggrandizing press releases. Thank Action Aid for catering to the odd sense of philanthropic perviness you didn't even know you had.

Body hair is a hot topic among charitable souls with marketing savvy, from Truth's back hair effort to Telecom Arnet's offer to help the hairplug-hungry in exchange for fresh broadband meat.

We're not really sure how to feel about the trend except to say, and this might be too much information, that in the shower this morning we stared at the collected hairball beside the drain for a long while, ruminating on the merits of trying to shape it into an Adrants martini and selling it on Ebay for Darfur dollars. It's worth a shot, yeah?

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (3)     File: Online, Strange     Jan-15-07  


Brilliant. I mean finally a good charity campaign. Bizarre and then all of a sudden: Right to the point. What the hell are we doing, world?

Posted by: Peter on January 15, 2007 01:41 PM

Brilliant. I mean finally a good charity campaign. Bizarre and then all of a sudden: Right to the point. What the hell are we doing, world?

Posted by: Peter on January 15, 2007 01:42 PM

No! Really, it's NOT worth a shot! I'll pay you to not form a hairball martini. Goodness knows where you would find an olive. Maybe you could use the dough to get a house cleaner?

Posted by: jdiva on January 15, 2007 03:15 PM

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