'Truth in Advertising' Begets 'Truth in Sales'

If you work in advertising, you've certainly seen the hilarious but extremely truthful parody Truth in Advertising. It was only a matter of time before the classic got an update and, today, it got a big one. This parody of the parody, called The Truth in Ad Sales does a great job uncovering what really happens between a media agency and a media seller and how the final sales pitch makes it to the conference room for presentation. It's British so it's be funny even if it isn't but it is so it's worth watching. It's got all your favorite Wanker and Bugger All commentary complete with mention of social media and "MyTube." Hmm, MyTube. Now there's a possibility. Oh wait. Silly us. The porn industry has already jumped on that one.
Brilliant. How long until it shows up as a prime-time comedy on NBC? Sub-question: will it be a Coupling (three episodes), or an The Office (three years)?
If you're going to rip off someone elses idea, do it better than they did. This clip sucks.
Very good Jaws viral about branding and pitching. Made by www.smithereen.tv
the people who made Truth in Ad Sales
Very good Jaws viral about branding and pitching. Made by www.smithereen.tv
the people who made Truth in Ad Sales
Very good Jaws viral about branding and pitching. Made by www.smithereen.tv
the people who made Truth in Ad Sales
Very good Jaws viral about branding and pitching. Made by www.smithereen.tv
the people who made Truth in Ad Sales
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