Wii Water-Drinking Contest Kills Woman, Microsoft Sponsors Story


We're not exactly sure what the Microsoft ad is or on this page but we are sure it's yet another really bad contextual ad placement. Once again, contextual advertising fails. This time in a story about a woman who dies during a water drinking contest for radio station KDND called "Hold your wee for Wii," a Microsoft ad appears in the form of a water cooler that fills a cup to the point of overflowing. Sweet. W love the smooth flow of a good contextual ad placement.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (4)     File: Bad, Online     Jan-18-07  


Here's another one:
Page down about 2/3rds... To the right, there's an ad for "flewid" productions....

Posted by: Lisa on January 18, 2007 03:31 PM

Lisa - That's not really a contextual ad... nor that related.

Posted by: ariel on January 18, 2007 03:53 PM

Sorry, probably should have stated that in my comment since its really not that obvious and it needs to be pointed out. Thanks for doing that. Relation is subjective. Fluid = flewid. Granted not as relative but still...

Posted by: Lisa on January 18, 2007 04:02 PM

Sorry, probably should have stated that in my comment since its really not that obvious and it needs to be pointed out. Thanks for doing that. Relation is subjective. Fluid = flewid. Granted not as relative but still...

Posted by: Lisa on January 18, 2007 04:02 PM

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