'Punk Marketing' Continues Its Stripper Video Promotions

Damn! How's a guy expected to finish a marketing book when it's read to you by a woman sitting on a bed slowly removing her clothing? One would think the publisher authors of this marketing book, Punk Marketing, would at least want you to finish the book before another sort of finish unexpectedly occurs. [Ed. OK, that's just gross! Who the hell wrote that?] This is the second disrobing hottie video the publishers authors have released to promote the book. In the first, the model, Cleo, disrobes on a plush rug in front of a fire. In the second, she's on a bed. In both cases, she's reading excerpts from the book. In both cases, we watched the video instead of picking up the book which has been on the desk in front of us for three weeks. OK. We admit. We've read some of it and we like it.
Ah to think our publisher would have done this.
Just a brief correction (cause we're secretly INTO corrections): WE did it, the big hoary (whorey?) authors. HarperCollins doesn't do videography, unless it's people with a lotta clothing on.
That's just the way it is. And yes she's voluptuous and marketable, our Cleo.
Hey punk - according to amazon it's not helping... ;-(
a few years back they launched Naked News on russian tv channel. the same concept, but different effect. the channel's rating skyrocketed ;)
a few years back they launched Naked News on russian tv channel. the same concept, but different effect. the channel's rating skyrocketed ;)
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