Milwaukee's Best Brings Us Closer to Technology than We Ever Wanted

We're completely weirded-out by the T-Scan 2000 for Milwaukee's Best Light.
The TScan scans your tongue to gauge which beer is right for you. Because we're sharp as tacks, we didn't actually put our tongues on the screens, just clicked through the scanning process to the very end. But the system rejected us because it lacked sufficient tongue information. Okay, whatever. So we clicked through again. Again, insufficient tongue information, and could we please add pressure too?
OMGWTF, we said. So, ever so gingerly, we put our tongues on the monitor.
And still yielded no results.
And now our screen is wet.
We feel so douchey.
Try putting your cursor over the scan button first and then lick the screen. That worked for me. Weird.
This trend can't be healthy. It doesn't even taste good.
It didn't work until I put my tongue on. Then it worked.. it really worked! But how!?
It didn't work until I put my tongue on. Then it worked.. it really worked! But how!?
your cursor has to hover over scan for a certain amount of time, if you press too quickly they know you're faking it. Since, theoretically, most people would aim the mouse first, hold tongue, and press.