Massive Manhood All That Matters to


Well there you have it. Yet another superficial approach to promoting a dating service. For any man who doesn't have a 13 inch plus piece of erect manhood,, and the women who use it, don't think you're worthy of consideration. This is one angle has taken in a recent three spot animated television campaign. It's as if the creative team popped LSD (see, we got the drug reference right this time) before concepting this very very different approach to dating service advertising. We're guessing since has the extreme cleavage angle claimed, had to go in a different but equally extreme direction.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (5)     File: Campaigns, Commercials, Good     May- 4-07  


go watch the 2nd one. you'll see a giraffe/zebra sex shot w/ about :33 left.

Posted by: Peter Caputa on May 4, 2007 02:49 PM

I'm glad to see adrants is back on track with breast augmentations, abeit digital, revealed in OOH and erectile animations in video spots!
Love Seed Death, Lust Sun DNA... yes, 'the sperm goes to the egg' and 'the penis never lies' are both irrefutable truths and add weight to this delicious amerita muscaria, dreamlike animation for Barry Diller's virtual matchmaker. all those that think IAC's new building is the trippiest building in NYC inhale and blink 2x please. ;)

Posted by: arthur on May 4, 2007 02:51 PM

go watch the 2nd one. you'll see a giraffe/zebra sex shot w/ about :33 left.

Posted by: Peter Caputa on May 4, 2007 03:01 PM

How does this all piece together?

If you forgot to trip out in your youth you get to do this onine now?

I read in Media Life Magazine:
Yet increasingly dating sites report a surge in older people, what they call silver singles, folks in the 50-plus set. Indeed, they say it�s now their fastest-growing demographic.

And no surprise, it�s also the most lucrative. Dating sites report that plus-50s are willing to spend more money in their search for love.

//snip a little from the middle//

Meanwhile, in online ratings for the week ended April 1, the top five parent companies were Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Time Warner and News Corp.


Posted by: Question, please on May 4, 2007 04:12 PM

What's going on at

Of course they are under MSNs umbrella aren't they? I just don't know about all that survey info in storage there.

I read this today, too at

Silverlight is being pushed side-by-side with Microsoft's Live services for developers. Microsoft is opening up APIs (application program interfaces) for its search engine, for Virtual Earth, for its instant messaging service, and for other services, under generous, but not unlimited, licensing terms. These services will allow the creation of interesting online applications that take advantage of existing Microsoft networks and resources. For example, today demoed a new version of its service that can connect directly to other subscribers who are MSN Messenger users. Mash-ups are nothing new, of course, but it is important that Microsoft is giving developers access to its computing resources as well as its user base.

Posted by: more questions? on May 4, 2007 04:48 PM

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