In a World Ruled by Renegade Creatives, Ahmadinejad Puts Funyuns Over Hezbollah

For shits and giggles, some time ago Harry Woods and Gill Witt put together this would-be ad for a less funded project of Frito Lay's - namely, Funyuns. (We used to eat them. They are completely unnatural and completely amazing.)
The result, Ahmadinejad Loves Funyuns!, is not really super-funny. In fact, it seems like something a little kid playing cut-and-paste-current-affairs would do. And it only gets less funny as it progresses. Maybe you just have to be high.
Harry Woods' take on it:
"For anyone who has never reveled in the joy of Funyuns, they're made of mashed corn extruded in the shape of onion rings with a pretty heavy dusting of oniony goodness. Kind of. We recommend eating a whole bag. Preferably with a gallon of Mountain Dew. Definitely in a pick-up truck.
"Anyway, one day last summer we weren't particularly busy, so we decided to do an ad for Funyuns and post it on YouTube, just to amuse ourselves. Unbeknownst to anyone at Frito Lay. Clearly without any semblance of client approval or even good sense on our part. In retrospect, what ensued could be an ad for Funyuns, or an ad for CBS's 60 Minutes, or an ad for YouTube, or an ad for WWD&S. Or all of the above. Or none of the above. We just don't know. In any case, it made us (and around 10,000 other knuckleheads with nothing better to do than google search 'Ahmadinejad loves Funyuns') laugh.
"We just hope it doesn't piss off Frito Lay too much because we'd love to work for them again."
Woods is a grin-worthy guy, just not super-classy. But Funyuns + Mountain Dew in pick-up truck? Highly recommended. We doubt Ahmadinejad would leap on for the ride though.
If so inclined, scroll through YouTube for comments on the video. It's given birth to conspiracy theories.