Photoshelter Monetizes Pictures, Adrants Has Dirty Mind, Little Else New

LOL. So PhotoShelter's PR people emailed to say it's running a casting call for its image collection, which helps photographers make profits on pictures. If you register before November 5th, you could get 85 percent of transaction proceeds in your first six months.
There is really nothing funny about that, or about anything PhotoShelter is doing to promote this effort, but the PR guy who wrote to us started his letter with some generic line like, "I came across your site and thought you might be interested..."
And, partly because we think it's complete swill when somebody claims to "come across our site" before diving into a pitch, Steve emailed me and snarled, "Don't you hate it when people cum all over our site? I mean it's messy, man! It's mean! It's rude!"
In response, I ROFLMAO'd. It is rude.
In other news, check out PhotoShelter, which probably won't be super-happy when it reads this. Come on, PR guy. It's all in good fun, if not completely in good taste. Next time you can hit us with something more original like, "Hey. I'm a big fan of [our site here]. Anyway, check out..."
(Just don't forget to add names and remove the brackets.)
whatever. you guys love it
Steve ... that sounds hot, why don't you take a picture of it and post it.
Actually, that was a special request from the guys at PhotoShelter, who are obviously a lot funnier than us losers they hired to promote them ;)
We love you, Zoe.
a picture of "it." Hmm...