Crispin Scores $300M in Microsoft Business. Hrm.

Crispin Porter + Bogusky, the cats that gave us our two most recurring nightmare monsters (him and him), just won the privilege of promoting Windows products to consumers.
The budget was undisclosed, but Advertising Age pegs it at upwards of $300 million. In '06, Microsoft spent $1 billion in measured and unmeasured US marketing, so it's obviously got cash to burn like mad.
The account win on Crispin's part was a big fat loss on the part of Fallon. Sorry, guys. Maybe next time.
One challenge likely to fall on Crispin's shoulders will be winning back the dignity Microsoft loses every time a new Mac vs. PC spot airs. We're putting two of our PayPal dollars on a freakishly reanimated butterfly.
I hope Microsoft knows what they're getting into, and are prepared to deal with Bogusky and company. HINT: Don't tell them 'no.'
Did CP deserve it more? Likely. Did Fallon need it more? Most definitely. But there's no doubt Fallon would have had more time to put into this account. That is unless CP's petition to have the day lengthened to 25 hours is approved.