Obama to the Black-Eyed Peas: No You Can't

In response to this musical tribute to Obama's "Yes we can" speech, News Groper has posted "No you can't, Black Eyed Peas," an Obama response in parody.
Snippet: "Stop stealing my words and talking over me please. You're ruining my pacing and carefully-planned oratory inflection. I'm glad you are inspired and want to help my campaign, but can't you play your own insipid songs with simple refrains that you beat to death? 'Let's Get Retarded' comes to mind."
Heh-heh. Sorry. We just haven't been able to take BEP seriously since its "Let's Save Hip-Hop!!!" Snickers campaign. You can't save it if you're helping ruin it.
The article also takes a jab at the Obama Girl campaign.
The last time somebody impersonated Obama in print, it generated a huge anti-racist lashing whose burn even Alec Baldwin -- merely the messenger -- couldn't avoid.
Hillary makes fun of "Yes We Can" on News Groper ...
I am on a stump, taking ur delegets: