You Mean You Don't Go Shopping to Heal?


Check out "Meet the Denialers" for Mackenzie Investments. Put together by Lowe Roche, Toronto, it tells the story of "a family of four that spends like fourteen."

Creative is spread across print and online without losing the tune: that of a strangely relatable fable. The campaign does a nice job of positioning an investment firm as a natural option for cash-burning families.

Meet Brett, Penny, Simon, Devon and Amanda. The website,, includes nifty little tools like a cashflow calculator and a burn rate spending test.

But what really won us was the print ad (scroll down with arrows). Engaging! Attractive! Unafraid of the written word! (Though it could have used a paragraph break or two. And maybe more sticky-outy bold text?)

Anyway, a campaign this promising is too rare. Would be nice to see the characters develop across 2008. Mackenzie, do you know a good thing when you see one? Can you hold on?

by Angela Natividad    Feb-12-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Online   

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Damn. Can we as a self-absorbed industry at least come up with a grace period? (Maybe a standard number of years for something to be ripped off or re-tooled) Just something to keep these dickless copywriters and talentless hack ACD's at bay?

Remember this?

Posted by: Tim Nolan on February 13, 2008 1:25 PM