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Nippleless Heidi Klum Jordache Ad Messes With Kid's Minds


Gawker notes the oddly nippleless Heidi Klum Jordache ad which appears in today's New York Post adjacent to Page Six may be harmful to our children's education and cause deep seated psychological problems. After all, a fair amount of kids breast fed in their early years and rode the elementary school bus (with all it's lowest common denominator gossip) enough to have surely confirmed there's a thing called a nipple on the female breast. (possibly NSFW image follows)

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-08    

Frickin' Chicken Weirdos Says America Condones Sodomy


No doubt, you've heard all about Sheetz's Frickin Chicken billboard drama, but FoxNews and the rest all seem to have overlooked the fact that the couple making the complaint also protested the opening of the Civil War Museum with a banner reading "Proof America Condones Sodomy" during a ceremony to honor fallen soldiers. Huh? Seriously.

And, as Words and Pictures points out, the entire world seems to have given Michael and Sheri Sucec the power to incite an overblown news cycle and to cause Sheetz to issue an apology for their witty wordism.

Where were these two when Crispin Porter + Bogusky gave us Big Bucking Chicken?

by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-08    
Topic: Brands, Strange

Honda Fit Sponsors Evite Party Personalities


Honda Fit is sponsoring Evite's new Party Personalities, a section which allows people to create custom user profiles to make their Evites more customized with party avatars to match either their personality or the theme of the created party invitation.Oddcast's Voki powers the feature which also allows for the inclusion of voice messages within an invitation.

Come on send us one. Even a fake one.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-08    
Topic: Brands, Online, Sponsorship

Robed Beauty on Horseback Averts Epic Battle Over Mobile Service


In America, we like to think of ourselves as accepting of differing beliefs be they religious, racial or political. Oh sure, there's plenty of problems but none as long-lasting and deep-seated as some of the issues countries abroad have dealt with for thousands of years.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-08    

Chevy Malibu SS Commercial an Avalanche of Immodest Homage


You know how some people are fond of pointing out creatives often imprint themselves on the work they produce as if they were the only demographic in the world? Well, that notion is clearly evident in this Leo Burnett Dubai-created commercial for Chevrolet Lumina SS.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-08    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary

YouIntern Pairs Co-Eds with Agencies


To drum up some business, YouIntern -- which launched in February -- is giving a $10 iTunes gift card away to one lucky person who registers on the site.

YouIntern is where ad students and creativity-starved agency execs can find one another. (Just ... not in the craigslist hook-up sort of way.) We love its simple but totally self-entitled "Freedom from coffee and copies" manifesto.

Agencies can post internships and give advice, like the CSO of StrawberryFrog does here. And internships can be rated. Modernista, for example, scored a 4.4 out of five.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 3-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online, Promotions

Leo Burnett Combats Cancer with Man Hair


Nothing says "manly" like a manly manly mustache. So why not use its follicle-rich power to fight prostate cancer, that most castrating of man-diseases? That's what Leo Burnett did.

For the month of what came to be called "Movember" ("mo" being slang for "mustache" in Australia), employees at Leo Burnett, Chicago grew mustaches to raise money for prostate cancer research. Part of the game was competing with the Australia office. (Witness the hijinks for yourself.)

Chicago, which beat the Aussies in both donation and 'stache style, raised $7000 for the cause. For an additional $10 donation, employees were offered a signed Men of Movember 2008 calendar.

Guess what! Now you can have one too. And if anybody asks why a calendar of hairy strangers is hanging over the water cooler, just tell them you helped fight cancer.

Only pray they don't ask what one has to do with the other. Out loud and to somebody who's probably gunning for your cubicle, telling this story is strangely tiring.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 3-08    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Good, Strange

Funny How Different Things Look When It's that Time of Month


Always is running this campaign where it's printing feel-good phrases like "Have a happy period" over the wax paper on maxi pads. We didn't think much about it until we saw this letter, allegedly written to P&G by a woman gone totally apeshit over it. Her first thought upon tearing open a new pad and seeing "Have a happy period" was "Are you fucking kidding me?"

A really sunny excerpt:

FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there will never be anything "happy" about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.

We giggled about it.

And then it happened.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 3-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Opinion, Strange, Trends and Culture

Jack's For Hillary, Rest of Hollywood's For Obama, Tilley Tattered


- Jack Nicholson's got a thing for Hillary. And he's expressing it by using clips from the many movies he's made over his career.

- On Advertising Age, Ken Wheaton explores the Hitleresque qualities of the latest will.i.am Obama video.

- And the Paul Tilley saga continues. Here and here and here. Make it stop. Please. Can't we just let the man rest in peace?

- Minneapolis-based Martin Williams has laid off 14 people in media, creative, operations and in print and television production.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-08    
Topic: Agencies, Cause

Soap Opera Weekly Launches ... Casual Games?


Passions got you all hot and bothered? Cool off with Sudz, one of the eight puzzles that Soap Opera Digest debuted in its new casual gaming section, courtesy of Arkadium. Also available: Mah-jongg, Sudoku, Spider Solitaire and Word Search.

But wait! This isn't just a cheap effort to cash in on idle traffic. Two of the games, Jigsaw and Wordsearch, can be customized to feature the faces of soap stars or current magazine covers. (Looking for love, or at least the right letters? Let Blair Redford show you the way.)

Words and themes can also be given a Dynasty twist, as needed.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 3-08    
Topic: Games, Online, Television

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