UK Christians Crusade Against Deliciously Sinful Haircare Ads

Having received 23 complaints -- including one from the Archdeacon of Liverpool -- the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has decided to pull GHD's "A new religion for hair" campaign off the air. Which is too bad, because the ads are gorgeous. Especially when compared to the Super Bowl trainwreck that was Sunsilk's diva spot.
Read the story and see the (multilingually sexy) spots:
- "May my new curls make her feel choked with jealousy."
- "Make him dump her tonight ... and come home with ME." (We liked this one best.)
- The Gospel According to GHD.
Each spot is provocative, unabashedly wicked and totally decadent. Each also features grown women expressing feelings that none of us are allowed to admit we have once we're over the age of six. But guess what? We still have them, and no amount of catechism is going to change that.
Lighten up, guys! Weren't the Puritans supposed to have migrated to this side of the pond?