Meetup Says 'Unplug Your Friends'

For those of us who live our lives online with a collection of Twitter, Facebook, Pownce, Flickr, Second Life and Linked In accounts, this new Unplug Your Friends effort from Meetup says we need to overcome out addition to the screen and rejoin the real world. A commercial in which a closeted geek discovers there's a world beyond his collection of screens and online friends supports the effort.
It's trippy and surreal but it makes a powerful point. There's a world out there that isn't digital and it can be a very friendly place. The creative comes from freelance CD team of Julie Lamb and Phil Gable. Curious Pictures in New York produced the work which was directed by former agency creative-turned animation director Rohitash Rao.
Hear! Hear!
I love my gadgets but I keep the iPhone on silent make a point of ducking out of the pub/restaurant to take a call. Maybe I'm old fashioned.
Every moment with (physical) friends is precious so breaking up these moments with daft twitter chatter/texts/fiddling with devices erodes these moments.
Always remember, "you don't know what you've got til it's gone"
*steps off soap box*
This animation is just beautiful. And the soundtrack too. I think most of us, at some point of our life, already felt like that little guy. Very witty indeed. Even Sunday afternoon I felt that while I was doing this
we just need to keep the balance.
Interesting campaign; feel like it would have been good for me to see back when I still had Facebook/Myspace earlier this year. Oh well!