No, Even Lexus Can't Top the Big-Wheel Memory


Every holiday season Lexus busts out with a campaign featuring some pearl-coloured vehicle with a bow on top. Far from perfect -- whose pursuit Lexus claims to champion -- it's mediocre and irritating. Like weathered nativity scenes.

Last night we thought we saw something different. The comfortingly low-fi "Big Wheel" bears the consistency of old home videos or a classic holiday movie. In it, a kid with a new plastic trike faces us and cries, "Stop! What are you doing? You can't top the big-wheel memory!"

We ruminate on our own '80s-era big wheels as he reprises us on its merits: the freedom! The wind in your hair!

Then there's an awkward cut. The kid is a man, and now he's facing a Lexus -- with a bow. And we're like, "Fuck, this could have been so much better."

by Angela Natividad    Nov-25-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television   

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Totally agree - great spot (as are the other two in the campaign), but the payoff seems flat. Poor acting, and an uninspiring shot of a car in a driveway. It would be great if the payoff was for an iPhone or something that was actually cool. But even if it's "just" for a Lexus, at least show someone inside the car caressing the leather seats, or something that has a hint of "wow."

Posted by: Mike Gluck on November 25, 2008 1:27 PM

Lexus commercials epitomize everything that's wrong with a consumerist culture; rich, overpampered (and always white) snotbags giving each other ludicrously-overpriced vehicles is one of the last things I want to ever have to experience, vicariously or otherwise.

Now they're raping the collective childhood of their demographic -- which, presumably, is just fine with that demographic. It's just too bad the rest of us have to see it as well.

Posted by: Warren on November 25, 2008 3:56 PM

My sister used to work at an arts and crafts store and rich snotbags actually had big bows made for gifting cars. I thought these Lexus ads were wishful thinking until I heard this. In times like these, this ad is just gross.

Posted by: Nik on November 30, 2008 3:49 AM