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American Apparel peels its sleaze off for a second to make a public service announcement: "American Apparel is ... Jobs."

This crucial message is illustrated by a muscly bald dude who appears to be in the stock room. Which begs the question: where'd all AA's eye candy go? In a clime this dire, is all that tap-worthy ass just unwilling to lift its own load?

by Angela Natividad    Mar-13-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online   

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Angela-The message is that American Apparel has job opprtunities to offer to many different types of people in different arenas. The pictured employee is one of many employees AA has depicted in it's advertising. Eye candy or not. American Apparel employs thousands of people at it's Downtown Los Angeles factory where this employee is standing (infact NOT a stockroom). In a climate where job availability is few and far between I think an advertisement that celebrates the fact that an American made company can still offer jobs to it's citizens is a resonating point.

Posted by: Rachel on March 18, 2009 8:38 PM