Adify Sports the Algo that You Never Dared to Dream Of

Youthfully charming Adify Media launched two promotional vids to illustrate that extra-special intra-personal something you'll get when your remnant ad inventory is placed in its warm, able hands.
The creative is formatted like eHarmony testimonials. Adify's merits are described in a leisurely, quasi-intimate way as both client and account strategist finish each other's sentences, make silly gestures, touch inappropriately and give each other weird sidelong looks when one coolly mentions having tried other algorithms before.
It's all just creepy enough to pass. Our only complaint is that everybody's already done the service-as-soulmate, let's-all-laugh-at-eHarmony thing, so it's got a mildly uncomfortable two-years-tardy feel.
That's cool though. No idea's original, yeah?
o See "Accountability," featuring Allison and Frank:
o See "Honesty," featuring Tiffani -- isn't it cute how they spelled it with an I? -- & John:
You want original from people who only have black clothes in their closets?