Diaper Full of Shit Helps Reduce Teen Pregnancy


There are thousands of ways to dissuade teens from ending up pregnant. A diaper full of shit isn't one we've seen before. But we like it because that's what a newborn will, without fail, bring to a new mother. Hour after hour. Day after Day. Week after week. Month after month. You get the picture. It's a steady flow of...OK...let's not go there. Let's just say it's a commitment. A lifetime commitment. Once a person makes the decision to have a baby, it's forever. That baby, no matter how old it gets, will always be a baby to his or hers parents. And if the parent isn't up to the job and isn't there for the child, that poor baby's life is going to be an endless uphill battle.

So if you're going to have a baby, you had better be ready to deal with a lot of shit because that's what coming your way.

So what's this all about?

Milwaukee Public School students did a double take on their first day of school Tuesday as they waited at local area bus stops this week. Dirty diapers with the words "Scratch and Sniff were placed around the central city. Upon closer inspection, teens learned the board wasn't a real scratch and sniff ad but an ad warning them of the burdens of teen pregnancy.

The campaign is part of a three-year effort by Serve and the United Way to combat teen pregnancy In Milwaukee by de-glamorizing the 30 year old problem. Four years ago Milwaukee was ranked as having the second highest rate of births to teens in the country. After two and a half years of education and public service advertising, the numbers have begun to turn around as the Health Department announced the first significant drop in teen pregnancy in Milwaukee in 20 years: A stunning 10% reduction.

Serve Marketing is responsible for all this shit.

by Steve Hall    Sep-11-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause   

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