Boobs Invade Adrants Ad Server


Perhaps it's just us. Yes, it's definitely just us. But we thought we'd put it to the test anyways. So we made one of several daily trips to the Adrants ad server to check something out and as we were, we saw the banner to the left. We also saw boobs. And we're like, "What's a pair of boobs doing inside the Adrants ad server?" And then we thought, "Wait, this is Adrants. The salaciously sexist Adrants. There's boobs everywhere. Why not in the ads as well?"

And then we looked closer. And actually read the headline (yea, we're easily distracted by pictures). And realized we were looking at a knee. Yea. A knee. And then we quickly called the psychiatrist to make an appointment to address this apparent obsession we have with boobs.

by Steve Hall    May- 3-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Strange   
