Condom Maker Does Choose Your Own Sexual Adventure


When it comes to having sex, it's all about making the right choices. So, what better way to encourage young, horny 16-24 year olds to make the right choices than by giving them the chance to experience the outcome of their choices.

Using the choose your own adventure approach, UK-based NHS Bristol and NHS Choices is out with a Omni Productions-created YouTube video campaign that follows the night time adventures of several young kids making there way through the night. Along the way, they are given various choices. Buy a condom. Don't buy a condom. have sex without a condom. Have sex with a condom.

While not displaying full nudity, the video campaign doesn't shy away from showing the heat of the sexual moment...and the consequences of making the wrong choice.

by Steve Hall    Nov-18-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause, Racy, Video   
