The Ad Industry Still Knows How to Party
Wednesday night during ad:tech in new York was a busy one. We made it to five parties and that was roughly half of all the parties occurring that night. Kicking the night, well, afternoon, off was Affiliate Summit which held a gathering at the Old Castle pub, a favorite haunt for affiliate marketers during their conference in August. Conference organizers Missy Ward and Shawn Collins were in attendance along with 50-70 others for drinks and buffet goodies.
Following the Affiliate Summit gathering, it was over to The Kimberly where the industry group The Oldtimers held their annual adtech New york party. The Oldtimers is a group of 500 or so people who have worked in online marketing for ten or more year. Believe me when we tell you most of the industry's brain trust was all together in one room that night.
Then, it was off to Hudson Terrace where both Direct Agents and Epic were having their parties. Direct Agents' was on the second floor and Epic's was on the roof. Both are nice spaces and when we arrived, things were just beginning to pick up. we're sure we missed all the good stuff as we left a bit early to head over to the Clickbooth party at Marquee.
Yes, Clickbooth mascot Clicky was out front greeting people as was the wonderful Stephanie who diligently stood at the door in the cold all heels...and a short skirt...greeting people as they lined up to get inside. The party began to pick up around 11PM when the dancing began and an army of stunningly beautiful hotties dressed deliciously showed up at the door. Sadly, we had to leave. But we did get a picture.
Next stop was Arena where AdKnowledge held their party. There's always at least one ad:tech party at this venue every year and this one was just as fun as the others. Livening things up were the same entertaining dance foursome that made Moss Network's Mix + Mingle party so much fun the night before.
As always, the pictures tell the real story.