In a classic and very funny implementation of the these-are-all-the-people-who-don't-need-your-product-which-is-exactly-why-you-do approach to marketing, BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Israel is out with a new ad for Coffee Shot.
The ad is a rapid fire onslaught of all the reasons why certain people don't need a shot of coffee and, of course, why you do. It's so rousing, you might not actually need a shot of coffee after watching.
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On October 6 at the Union Square W in New York, the Marketers Summit will take place. The conference is inviting "weirdos, wiseguys, cool kids, misfits, movers, shakers, thought leaders and mind readers" to discuss such topics as ending the madness of the unproductive agency/client relationship, building a culture that creates the best balance between process and chaos, how to properly collaborate in the shark tank-like world of advertising and more.
Check out the full itinerary here and register by July 31 to get the early bird rate.

So Greenpeace is out with with an emotionally powerful ad that takes issues with a deal Shell and Lego signed to sell the toy maker's products at gas stations in 26 countries. The ad centers on Shell's Arctic drilling and focuses on the harm an oil spill could have on the environment.
The deal, signed in 2012, is similar to the deal the two had from the 1960's up to the 1990's. The ad, entitled Everything is NOT Awesome, urges people to tell Lego to end its partnership with Shell.
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Employing a hilarious approach to promoting its phone service in 16 other countries at no added cost, UK-based Three is out with a Wieden + Kennedy-created commercial in which a spokesman apologizes for "holiday spam."
And we're all familiar with "holiday spam." All those pictures of sunsets, cocktails, mini monuments, beach feet, street food, #nofilter, hot dog legs and, yes, the plane wing. Shooting those photos feels great at the time of the shot. But when you're Instagram feed is full of them, it gets a bit tedious after a while. And yes, we know we are very guilty of the practice as well!
But the fact that we all engage in this behavior is why we think this ad will resonate so well with people.
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