If you're a marketer and you're going to do a thing where you highlight an artist or a musician or an actor in a way that supposed to come off as natural and un-staged then for God's sake, don't make it look painfully unnatural and completely staged like this work Dewar's did with San Francisco mural artist Zio Ziegler for it's Live True campaign.
So Zio walks into a bar. Which is empty. The bartender says, "Dewar's" and Ziegler replies, sure, like it's the only thing in the world anyone drinks. Ziegler proceeds to uneasily pontificate about what it's like to be an artist -- you know, the same babble that spews forth from every artist's mouth about how they found themselves and are pursuing their passion and and following their dream and blah, blah, blah.
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You have to wonder about this one. If you're TV shopping and suddenly tour TV salesperson turns into a freakish looking zombie and scares the shit out of you, how likely are you going to be in a mood to buy a TV?
But, who really cares. This one's not about selling. It's about shocking, getting YouTube views and getting press coverage. Oh and it's Halloween so it's timely.
Give it a watch. And the next time you go TV shopping, you might not want to turn your back on your salesperson. On and it's for Samsung and it was created by Cheil UK.
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From the crazy folks at Toronto-based john st. -- the ones who brought us Catvertising and Exfeariential -- comes Reactvertising, a whole new kind of real-time marketing.
The video is a hilarious send up of the industry's obsession with real-time marketing.
"It's not about being funny or smart. It's about being fast."
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This might be what the trailer for the 1999 Tom Cruise film Eyes Wide Shut might have looked like if it were made today...as a beer commercial...with another man as equally important as Tom Cruise, Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World.
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This year's World Cup was, perhaps, the biggest, most exciting, most watched World Cup ever. At least here in the United States where we are still coming to the realization that real football involves a round, usually white ball that players move by kicking it with their foot.
And, of course, marketers were all over the scene. Here's a look at what several marketers did to boost their brands during the World Cup with tips you can apply to your marketing programs any time of the year.
Download this white paper from Spredfast now and see what Fox, McDonald's, adidas and other did to score marketing wins during the World Cup

Here's a brilliant example of creativity. To tout the benefits of Sugru glue, the brand has created The Joy of Fix. Yes, it's a knock off of the famed 1970's book, The Joy of Sex. The work comes complete with diagrams on how to "enjoy the fix."
There's also a second poster that gets all sexual innuendo on us. The six steps on this poster include Feels good hard or soft. Sticky, but in a good way. Rub it gently. Use your imagination. No more dribbles. DO it anywhere and everywhere.
The campiagn also includes a hilarious video in which a guy get all friendly with a bunch of people while they fix things
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Here's an infographic from UK agency Oomph that details the hidden imagery and meaning in 40 big brand logos. Many, like the arrow in the FedEx logo, you may already be aware of. Some you may not.
Take a look.
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In the most twisted path towards getting parents to spend more time with their kids -- and look for a job, three Miami Ad School New York students, Frank Garcia, Giulia Magaldi and Begona Mas created a fake LinkedIn profile for Mark Howard, a deceased CEO of a marketing firm called Fritz & Fulton.
This fake profile has spent the last few days visiting and sending notifications to the LinkedIn profiles of New York advertising professionals. These advertising types were encouraged to visit BringBackTrickOrTreat.com where they were encouraged to make sure their work doesn't take over their life and pull them away from their children.
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Given the continuously sex-addled mind of the human male, you wouldn't think a strip club would have to advertise at all. Yet they do. Apparently even horny men need motivation from time to time.
One such strip club -- yes, the prefer to be called a gentleman's club -- Spearmint Rhino has decided its time to do an online ad. Well, a YouTube video that's an ad actually.
The ad places Spearmint Rhino strippers -- or actresses that play strippers -- inside an office setting with all the usual antics and shenanigans. Complete with charts that -- haha, we get the joke -- scream "Customer smiles on the rise" and a break room that's, well, a strip club, the semi-NSFW ad goes all out like an old school GoDaddy ad on Viagra.
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Pity the poor woman who doesn't live up to Victoria Secret's definition of perfection which probably hovers somewhere around 5'8", 34C-22-34. If you don't come close to those measurements, it appears you should should shop elsewhere.
A new campaign for the brand is touting a line of bras they call Body by Victoria. The ads carry the headline, "The Perfect Body," along with images of, well, women with "perfect" bodies.
Certainly there's an aspect of every advertising campaign which aims to be aspirational, motivational, uplifting in a way that, ideally, cause a person to respond, "I want to be like that. I want to be better. I'll have what she's having. I want to be better. Etc." And a nice motivational kick in the ass is a good thing every once in a while.
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