Since the start of human civilization, lotteries have often been associated with financial freedom and near-instant wealth, and they have hardly failed to disappoint. However, these lotteries are more than just cash cows for different lucky members of society. These special cash offers are a commonly underestimated element in advertising and can drive engagement and create exciting brand memories for several customers. If you wish to learn more about the role of lotteries as a powerful marketing tool, this piece offers all the answers you need.
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So, you've got sufficient website traffic, a low bounce-rate and have packaged a tempting and generous offer to bring your prospective customers over the line. Brilliant! But what's concerning is the low uptake of your core offering. Why are your customers so ambivalent about such a fantastic deal?
Sales guru Zig Ziglar once said that there are a mere 4 reasons why people won't buy from you. These are:
- No money
- No need
- Not in a hurry
- No trust
We'll explore some of these issues here:
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In celebration of the opening of Rocky on Broadway, Peanut Butter & Co. has launched the Knockout Peanut Butter Smoothie Sweepstakes.
Peanut Butter & Co. teamed with four food bloggers to create new smoothie recipes using peanut butter. From Monday, April 14, 2014 to Friday, May 9, 2014, consumers are invited to vote for their favorite peanut butter smoothie recipe at Facebook.com/peanutbutterco and www.KnockoutPeanutButterSmoothie.com for a chance to win two tickets to see Rocky on Broadway and a year's supply of Peanut Butter & Co. peanut butter (50 jars).
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Yes, you read that right. Porn site Pornhub has launched its Creative Director Challenge, a competition soliciting high-quality, "safe-for-work" designs for an upcoming multimedia advertising campaign. The winner of the challenge will be rewarded with a one-year paid employment contract as the official Creative Director of Pornhub.
Interested parties should check out the challenge site (a totally safe-for-work Tumblr site)
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It would seen not everyone is willing to heed the advice of john St. which a couple of weeks ago released exFEARiential, a prank on the latest advertising trend, prankvertising. Just this past weekend, a Brazilian TV stunt/promotion for the movie Curse of Chucky had a guy dressed like Chucky crash out of the glass-encased bus shelter ad and chase people down the sidewalk while wielding a knife.
It's pretty much the same idea Thinkmodo had whenh it set that telekinetic actress loose in a New York City coffee shop to promote the movie Carrie.
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Oh the wit and whim of some marketers. Acknowledging the fact a substantial number of people may have more time on their hands having been affected by the government shutdown, online retailer Vibrators.com is mailing out 200 free vibrators each day to anyone who uses the discount code "shutdown."
So, yes. this isn't exclusive to federal employees but the promotion is certainly aimed at them. The company promises to deliver 200 free dildos daily until the shutdown ends. The offer is limited to 200 per day so as not to overrun production...which, of course, you know it would if the count were higher.
We would never begrudge anyone doing whatever it takes to further their career, especially Israeli ad man Tal Schweiger who's looking to land a gig in the States, but Tal, your "hire me" stunt makes no sense.
Tal wants insure potential recruiters and agencies that he can spell perfectly in English. But when his "Don't Worry About My English" page asks people to enter words -- that he (or, more likely, the linguistics program he is using) CAN CLEARLY SEE -- of course he is going to be able to spell the words perfectly.
Now if he had site visitors SAY the words instead of spell them out for him, that would be another thing. We hope Tal gets the job he wants but this stunt isn't exactly proving anything.
KLM is launching a high altitude balloon in the Nevada desert on April 22. Those who correctly guess high the balloon will climb before it pops will have a chance to win a flight into space on the SXC Lynx Spacecraft.
Those interested in venturing a guess and potentially winning a flight into space can visit this KLM promotional page to enter.
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Ad man Floyd Hayes, formerly creative director at Cunning, has launched the World's Fastest Agency. Hayes has a long history of interesting stunts including most recently sending a 3D replica of his head to prospective employers.
This week, Hayes has launched a new agency that promises to be really fast in three easy steps. Here's how it works. First, send $999 to Hayes via PayPal. Second, DM Hayes your 140 character brief to @FastestAgency. And three, receive a 140 character response from Hayes.
As proof of concept, Hayes points to similar work he did while at Cunning where a brief, "Gain media and buzz for our park-anywhere small car," resulted in the concept, "Attach replica cars to landmark city buildings."
Would you send Hayes $999?
Playing write along with its promotion to send someone to space. Axe/Lynx is out with a Valentine's Day-themed video which proves an astronaut never has to find the perfect gift. He always has one at the ready when his loved one presents his gift.
The campaign is part of the brand's Axe Apollo Space Academy promotion which promises a few lucky winners into space.
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