How Online Media Buyers Can Find the Best Publishers For Their Campaigns


Media buying. It's changed a lot since the days of Mad Men's Harry Crane. Want to know which publishers will perform best for your campaign? How about which Display Ads your competitors are running and which campaigns are most successful for them?

This Adclarity webinar will explore how to effectively use competitive intelligence to dramatically improve your media buying.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-14-14    
Topic: Tools

How Predictive Analytics Can Bring Internet-Like Accountability to TV Advertising


These days, most enterprise marketers use a multichannel brand awareness and business development strategy to spread the word about their company, products and services via a variety of platforms including digital ads and social media marketing. But, sadly, television still gets the lion's share of ad spend. Isn't it time for enterprise brand marketers to demand their TV campaigns work harder and smarter?

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-14    
Topic: Television, Tools

New Company to Make Sure Your Brand Isn't Misrepresented Online


Over the last few years, as the online marketing industry has continued to grow and evolve, its practices and technologies have become increasingly complex. There are new marketing channels popping up all around us and opening up previously unknown revenue streams that are lucrative to both brand manufacturers and resellers alike.

The challenge for brands though is in taking advantage of these new opportunities, because despite their ability to generate more revenue, they also generate more potential risks for large brands because of the number and anonymity of the affiliates involved. Thus, companies often forfeit control over the ways in which their brand is represented in the hopes of earning more profit, but this is a dangerous game.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-27-14    
Topic: Tools

5 Tips to Create and Manage Visual Content


Visual content is being used in a variety of ways to communicate. Large amounts of data are being packaged into easily consumable infographics. Videos are being used to tell dynamic stories. Even consumers, knowingly or not, are in on the visual content creation with sharing pictures of their interaction with products and brands. All of this content needs to be managed in order to be shared and used. Get the most out of your visual content with these 5 tips for managing visual content.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-13    
Topic: Tools

How Smarter Ads Will Shape Consumer Intent This Holiday Season


Well, the Halloween candy is now on clearance and the plastic turkeys are on display. That can mean only one thing: we're at the cusp of Holiday Shopping Season! As someone who spends all day, every day thinking about the best way to get the right message to the rightperson at the right time, the holidays keep me up.

Recently we all learned from the IAB that digital ad revenue is significantly up over previous years. Yet, despite the mind-blowing $20.1 billion spent in the first half of 2013 alone, I'm excited about the opportunity to help retailers make sense of all their options and use them in the most effective manner - especially, during the critical holiday shopping period.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-31-13    
Topic: Tools, Trends and Culture

7 Ways to Improve Your Ad Agency's Efficiency


Nothing loses an agency client faster than inefficient process and the frustration it causes. Not even Cannes-winning work can keep a client if the agency can't manage the relationship properly. Earlier, we wrote about the impact of industry consolidation and how it has affected the ability of the acquired agency and its holding company siblings to work smoothly and efficiently.

Here are seven tips you can put to use right now to ensure your agency is serving your clients swiftly, effectively and efficiently - like the proverbial well-oiled machine.


by Steve Hall    Oct-21-13    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion, Tools

LiquidM Aims to Remove Headaches From Mobile Media Buying


According to estimates from an August eMarketer report, mobile advertising is a $16.7B market but represents just 14% of the total $117.6B digital ad spend. Despite market opportunity and years of "this is the year of mobile," mobile media buyers have struggled to manage campaigns given the voluminous variety of players and their incompatibilities.

As smart phones and tablets consume more and more audience time, ad spend will (we are told) further shift into mobile. One new company, LiquidM, aims to make things easier for the mobile advertising space with its whitelabeled product offering.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-10-13    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Tools

How to Use Call Tracking to Prove Email Marketing's Value to Your CEO

Not So Old School Anymore

It seems like every week there's another article proclaiming the end of email as a marketing tool. But the truth is that email marketing has never been more popular, and with good reason:

- The rise in smartphones and tablet adoption has made it easy for people to access your emails from anywhere at anytime.

- Depending on your industry, most leads will require some form of nurturing before they are ready to engage with a sales rep.

- Sophisticated email delivery tools like those in marketing automation solutions now make it easy for you to create targeted, relevant, personalized (and perhaps most importantly, automated) email campaigns.

It should therefore come as no surprise that according to a 2013 benchmark report from MarketingSherpa, 64% of companies planned to increase their investment in email marketing in 2013.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 8-13    
Topic: Tools

New Tool Promises Real-Time Analytics For Paid Social Campaigns


Self-anointed "real-time marketing platform for agencies and brands" SHIFT has announced the SHIFT Media Analyzer, an analytics tool for social advertisers. SHIFT Media Analyzer is said to enable marketers to analyze paid media campaigns across various brands at a global scale - all within a single dashboard.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-22-13    
Topic: Tools

Bar Refaeli Strips, Apple Facepalms, DOMA Celebrated, Cannes Critiqued


- Bar Refaeli strips down to her lingerie again for a new Passionista ad campaign.

- This Digiday article explores the belief among young agency employees that it's the agency itself which causes them to job hop so much because staying doesn't allow them to move ahead. People...same shit, different decade. Nothing has changed in 30 years.

- Apple's new ad campaign isn't impressing the critics nor the public.

- The Sun has rounded up what they deem to be the sexiest TV ads of all time, all of which have been covered here on Adrants over the years (Except the 1992 Cindy Crawford Pepsi ad as that was before our time.)

- Social media erupted with joy yesterday in reaction to the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-27-13    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events, Racy, Social, Tools