Cadillac Gets Cool in Bad Boys II

From a reader on Cadillac's product placement in Bad Boys II

Cadillac's been fiercely trying to regain their cool image and they just scored a particularly impressive coup in this attempt. Already beautifully highlighted in the Matrix Reloaded, the CTS makes its mark on Bad Boys 2 as well. The movie has a scene where Will Smith interrupts a car sales man about to take a client on a test drive of the Cadillac CTS. The client turns out to be Dan Marino (football player for the Miami Dolphins I believe). Will Smith promises to test the car thoroughly for him. He then takes off on a highway chase. As he puts the car through rigorous testing, he delivers his opinion to Martin Lawrence, "Dan Marino should definitely buy this car. Not this one but a model like this. He can't have this one though because I'm going to fuck this one up." Those might not be his exact words but they're a pretty close approximation. I doff my hat to whoever was responsible for this.

Product placements are common place but this is a perfect example of how we will begin to see branded products become key players within content.

by Steve Hall    Jul-22-03    

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