As You Consider Attending SXSW 2016, Here's What Was Awesome About SXSW 2015


It's sort of passe to talk about how much SXSW has changed over the years because, well, it has and there's no going back. If you feel the need to reminisce or wallow in the past, you can read this, this, this, this and this.

Or you can put you mind in a more upbeat mode and read 6 Reasons Why SXSW is Still Awesome, written after last year's SXSW.

In any case, let's move on. Did you go to SXSW this year? What did you think? Did you get out of it what you expected? More? Less?

Let's take a look at some of what transpired during this year's SXSW Interactive.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-15-15    
Topic: SXSW

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