SEO: Schema and Markup Data Guide - A Rough Guide


Schema is one of the key elements when it comes to search engine optimization. Webmasters have considered it one of the most powerful forms of SEO.

The schema markup is a structured form of data that enables search engines to read your website pages in a better way. More than that, it also helps to improve the website's online visibility with the help of featured snippets and rich snippets. The inclusion of structured data is a potent way to increase search rankings indirectly as it creates social signals for search engines.

The best thing about the schema is that anyone can add it to their website without needing a web developer. But you must ensure that the metadata you include has the proper format, as it directly impacts the SEO performance.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-17-22    
Topic: Tools

SEO: Schema and Markup Data Guide - A Rough Guide


Schema is one of the key elements when it comes to search engine optimization. Webmasters have considered it one of the most powerful forms of SEO.

The schema markup is a structured form of data that enables search engines to read your website pages in a better way. More than that, it also helps to improve the website's online visibility with the help of featured snippets and rich snippets. The inclusion of structured data is a potent way to increase search rankings indirectly as it creates social signals for search engines.

The best thing about the schema is that anyone can add it to their website without needing a web developer. But you must ensure that the metadata you include has the proper format, as it directly impacts the SEO performance.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-17-22    
Topic: Tools

How to Find the Best Marketing Agency in the US


It is clearly evident that marketing plays a crucial role in business success. A company can create and maintain long-lasting client relationships through its strategies. Since client involvement is the foundation of any business, companies put a lot of effort into managing their marketing initiatives. Marketing serves in introducing your business to your target market, but keep in mind that efficient marketing is difficult.

Establishing an internal team or working with a digital marketing agency are the two options available to brands for marketing in order to expand their brands. Although in-housing allows for more control over brand messaging, most businesses find it difficult to carry out successful marketing initiatives due to a lack of internal expertise and resources.

One of the finest ways to accomplish outstanding marketing success is to work with a growth marketing firm.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-11-22    
Topic: Agencies

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Here's Why Every Startup Needs a Content Marketing Plan


Like most startups, you probably think that content marketing is a luxury you can't afford. After all, you're already stretched thin just trying to keep up with the day-to-day demands of running a business. Who has the time to worry about creating blog posts, infographics, and social media updates?

The truth is that content marketing is essential for any business, especially a startup. It's one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and build a relationship with them.

Think about it: when was the last time you made a purchase from a company that you knew nothing about? Unless it was something small and impulse-driven, chances are you did your research first. You read reviews, compared prices, and looked for any information that could help you make an informed decision.

The same is true for your potential customers. They're not just going to hand over their hard-earned money to any startup - they want to know that they can trust you. And one of the best ways to build that trust is through content marketing.

If you are still not convinced, read on to know why every startup needs a content marketing plan.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-22    
Topic: Publishing

How to Properly Execute a Lead Gen Strategy in Two Months


What should be the first step in your lead generation process? How can you increase the number of leads coming into your system, and convert them into customers? While selling more to your current customers is one way to grow your business, you also must reach new clients at the same time.

According to HubSpot, 65% of business owners say generating website traffic and finding new leads is their most significant marketing challenge. The way companies generate leads is more complex than at any time in the past. Rather than throwing a bunch of ads out there and hoping something sticks, marketers can now zero in on the exact audience they want.

If the number of leads coming in is a bit lacking, there are some things you can do today to generate new leads in the next two months. Coming up with a solid lead gen strategy requires attention to detail, so here are the things you should embrace to improve yours.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-22    
Topic: Tools

How to Design and Optimize CTA Buttons That Increase Conversion Rate


In this era of cutthroat competition, you need to ensure every small detail gets executed perfectly. A lot of entrepreneurs forget that it's that small thing that can make a difference. For example, the famous space shuttle challenger explosion was caused by the failure of the small circular gasket called the O-ring seal. Similarly, they can spend thousands of dollars to build their perfect website but forget about its most important component which is the CTA button.

CTA buttons are critical features on a website that do the important task of converting a visitor to the website to a paying customer. In this post, learn how you need to invest your time and energy in a conversion rate optimization strategy so that your business venture doesn't end up in a disaster.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-22    
Topic: Tools

What is AI in Marketing: Growing Trends in Coming Years


From traditional marketing to the current age of digital marketing, a lot has changed in the last two decades in terms of adopting customer-focused marketing strategies and bringing in technologies. In addition, technological advancements with the help of AI have further accelerated the process of how industries are looking to market.

The businesses adopting AI within the marketing industry have grown tremendously in the last few years and are expected to surpass $48.8 billion by 2030.

Earlier, the marketing tech was limited to suggesting recommendations based on fixed inputs, outputs, and assumptions. However, with the growing AI trends and machine learning, marketers can extend macro insights for a deeper understanding of the audience's mannerisms to build effective advertising and marketing campaigns. Since AI can process large amounts of customer data it helps establish deeper connections with consumers at a massive scale.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-22    
Topic: Trends and Culture

Things to Consider When Planning Content Marketing Strategy


A good content marketing strategy can do wonders for your business. Most businesses used to focus on a hard-sell approach where they would push the audience to buy their products and services. Now, the focus has moved towards a more customer-centric approach. Businesses nowadays want to provide value to the customer and tailor their services according to their needs.

It isn't easy to come up with an effective content marketing strategy. There is a lot of content online, and chances are you won't be able to make space for yourself. That is, unless you take the right approach and consider all the important factors.
Read on to find out what to consider when planning a content marketing strategy.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-22    
Topic: Publishing

10 Small Businesses to Launch in 2022


More and more people are choosing to work for themselves, and it's easy to see why. Self-employed entrepreneurs don't have to answer to anyone and get to set their own hours. Talk about a dream situation.

If you're ready to take the jump into self-employment, the first step is selecting what you're going to do. This article should help with that. So keep reading to find ten small business ideas you can use in 2022 and beyond.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-31-22    
Topic: Opinion

Things to Consider When Planning Content Marketing Strategy


A good content marketing strategy can do wonders for your business. Most businesses used to focus on a hard-sell approach where they would push the audience to buy their products and services. Now, the focus has moved towards a more customer-centric approach. Businesses nowadays want to provide value to the customer and tailor their services according to their needs.

It isn't easy to come up with an effective content marketing strategy. There is a lot of content online, and chances are you won't be able to make space for yourself. That is, unless you take the right approach and consider all the important factors.
Read on to find out what to consider when planning a content marketing strategy.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-18-22    
Topic: Publishing

How to Boost Conversions with Website SEO?


You might have the best product or service in the world and invest in a great-looking site that gets a good amount of traffic, but it's all for nothing if you aren't getting conversions.

Many businesses suffer from this issue, which is where SEO services offer a remedy. Investing in the right search engine optimization (SEO) techniques can get relevant traffic to your site and convince more people to buy your products. Learn about some conversion rate optimization tips that can help you boost your conversions.

Improve Web Loading Time

Most users abandon their shopping cart if your site takes more than a few seconds to load. To boost e-commerce conversions, it's crucial that your website is mobile responsive and loads quickly. Start by enabling compression on your site and using content distribution networks to boost speed. Plug-ins can also slow down your site so consider deleting or disabling the ones you hardly use. A reputable e-commerce conversion rate optimization service can help your site load quickly.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-18-22    
Topic: Tools

Things to Consider Before Hiring an eCommerce Agency


E-commerce is proliferating, and businesses are looking to hire agencies to help them create and manage their online stores. Just as businesses need to hire the right people, agencies must hire the right staff. For a team to be successful, it is essential that they have strong individual skills and knowledge but also shares a common vision of what is wanted by the client. The role of the agency team is to help businesses to manage their online presence.

The successful agency team must be able to provide a range of services.

What to look for in an eCommerce agency:

As businesses increasingly rely on eCommerce, the need for quality eCommerce agencies becomes increasingly apparent. An eCommerce agency can provide a business with a wide range of services related to their online store. Not all eCommerce agencies are created equal, so it is essential to know what to look for when choosing one.

When searching for an eCommerce agency, you must first consider what services you need. Are you looking for someone to design and develop your online store? Or do you need help with marketing and SEO? Once you know what services you need, start by researching agencies in your area.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-18-22    
Topic: Agencies

CV Building Tips: How to Shine on Paper


Resumes are an extremely important document because your job application is depends on them. They are your first impression on a potential employer. Your resume is the first thing that a recruiter uses to determine whether you would be a good fit for the position that you have applied for. That is why it is important to reflect your credentials in the best possible light on your CV.

Our experts have extensive experience in writing resumes for different professionals and we have rounded up a few key tips that we believe can make any resume stand out. If you want to shine on paper, then this is a quick guide for you.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 2-22    
Topic: Tools

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