SXSW Buries Adrants. But We're Slowly Crawling Out From Under


While I dig myself out from under the onslaught of digiliciousness otherwise known as SXSW, the least I can do is share with you the images from the conferences I've taken to date. There's a lot. There's the pre-show gathering at the Driskell. There's the lingerie-fueled TechSet party. There's the Capybara. There's the Digg party. There's the Tumbler party. There's the Powered Party. There's the Barbarian Group party. There's the Mashable party.

And that's not all. It takes forever to crop/edit/fix a couple thousand images. So when the rest are ready, I'll be sure to share. Oh, and I've got shots of Bob Garfield. And since we're name dropping, there's Mashable's Pete Cashmore, Justine Ezarik from iJustine, Twitter's Evan Williams, Ashton Kutcher (yea, that one), Foursquare founder Naveen Selvadurai, Lewis Howes and more.

everything I've got so far.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events   
