New York Times' New Ombudsman Sadly Out of Touch

The Kicker's Elizabeth Spiers, back from a week of jury duty hell, gives Daniel Okrent, the new ombudsman for the New York Times, a warm Kicker-like welcome. Commenting on Okrent's assumption that everyone still reads the newspaper for news and commentary "critically erroneous," Spiers wonders why Okrent doesn't know that everyone now gets their news from Geraldo Rivera and The Daily Show. Or, I ask, maybe this thing called the Internet?
Okrent says he's been reading the newspaper for 37 years. Perhaps, with all the changes in media over the last 37 years, it might be more appropriate to have someone in the position of ombudsman that might actually have a closer connection to today's generation and their media consumptions habits.
OK, I admit, I liked New England Monthly when he was editor.
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