Internet Increasingly A Primary Medium For Women

Categorizing audiences as only an agency could into groups called Digital Cowgirl, Digital Cassandra, Digital Diva, Digital Debutante, Digital Detective , Digital Voyeur, Digital Shopkeeper and Digital Socialite, Stacom MediaVest and Yahoo have released a study done by Just Ask a Woman and TNS Media Research on women's Internet usage. The study, called "The Untold Story of Women on the Web," was presented today at Yahoo's California headquarters.

Key findings include confirmation that daytime is prime time for women at work who alternate usage of the Internet for both work and non-work needs to achieve their increasingly mutltitask-driven lives. In fact, the study found the amount of activities done by women in the study equated to 38 hours in one 24 hour period. With more women spending an increased number of hours working each day, marketers would be wise to reallocate daytime and talk show TV dollars to a dayparted web campaign.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     Apr-29-04  


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