Twin Lawyers Reap Benefits of Television Advertising

Attorneys Edward and Alex Shenderovich are known to Pittsburgh residents as "The Double Team." Like the DoubleMint commercials of yester-year, the Shenderovich brothers appear together in a television campaign promoting their legal practice. Whether it's America's fascination with twins or the thirty television spots they run each month that drives their success, their personal injury business has grown 500 percent in the six years since they began running the television campaign.
"As soon as we put an ad on, the phone started ringing," Edward Shenderovich said.
The twins see television as the primary driver of their business. "We had a Web site but we didn't get any response," Edward Shenderovich said. "If somebody gets hurt and they're laying in the hospital they don't have any access to a computer. But if they're laying in bed, they can reach for the Yellow Pages or see us on TV."
Perhaps to boost their business even further, the pair might ask jailbait graduates Mary-Kate and Ashley to join them in their next commercial.