Athens Olympic Guidelines to Ban Attendees Possessing Non-Sponsor Brands
In the clearest example the advertising industry has gone insane, Athens Olympic "clean venue" guidelines are said to warn against attendees wearing or consuming any brand that is not a sponsor of the event. In what certainly has to be either a joke or the manifestation of a marketing team gone mad, any attendee found with or trying to enter with a non-sponsor brand will be asked to leave or barred from entry. Has our business gone absolutely mad?
Yea, yea, the sponsors are all paying big bucks and they don't want another brand ambushing their sponsorships but this is positively ridiculous. Maybe they should strip search women, removing non-sponsor brand panties, out of fear the tag might be seen when they bend over and are gawked at by male spectators. Insane. Thanks to Charley Brough for pointing out this idiocy.
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