Carlsberg Launches Lost Passport Campaign

Finding a "lost" passport in the back of a cab or at the end of a bar may become a trend in cities across the countries if New York-based communications agency Cossette Post has their way. The company will litter cabs, bars, libraries, malls and other popular locations around the country with fake branded passports. Upon finding the passports, people will find in place of a photo of a fellow American, information on Carlsberg beer. For its first major targeted consumer effort in the US, New York based advertising agency Cossette Post has created the Carlsberg Passport, inviting consumers to "Drink with a world of friends." The guerilla marketing "passport" campaign will commence across the U.S. on February 1, 2005 in key cities in 35 states across the country including Chicago, Boston, New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Philadelphia. The passports will be distributed through April of 2005 by local Carlsberg affiliates. A national television campaign will follow.
The faux passports, which look and feel like the real thing, feature textured covers in Carlsberg Green and include 12-pages of company facts and worldly information presented in a fun and attention getting fashion. Designed to appeal to the worldly consumer, the inside pages include the requisite stamps from countries around the world along with information on how to toast in 34 different languages and how to ask "May I please have a Carlsberg beer" in everything from French to Romanian. There is also a two-page outline on "The Carlsberg Way of Making A World of Friends," which includes international dos and don'ts for world travelers. For example, in China, "spitting, staring and drinking Carlsberg are acceptable. However, wearing shorts isnt," and in the Netherlands, "if you split the bill, never say your going Dutch.' Its really an insult."
We wonder how our security conscious, over-reactive society will take to this. We're sure it will be much fun to watch.
Interesting idea from Post -- considering it's entirely derivative. In 2000, General Electric, in launching its GE Financial Network dropped wallets in the 10 most wired cities in America to drive wallet finders to a microstite where they could win a GE managed financial portfolio worth $100,000 or other financial rewards based on game cards included in the wallets. This promotion was named one of the 8 best practices for GE by Jack Welch and was features in Adweek, Brandweek and Ad Age. I was at the agency that came up with the idea. Sad sad sad, Post.
Sounds like Cossette Post! What a lame shop. Actually, most of the passports just sat in boxes because it was too much trouble to drop them off. I should know, I used to work there.