Second Airing of GoDaddy Spot Pulled During Super Bowl

GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons explains on his blog why the second airing of the company's busty-babe-in-the-courtroom spot was pulled. Apparently, uptight NFL officials saw it, confered with FOX and said "Uh, uh, that ain't running again." The company's closing billboard was pulled as well. Oddly, this spot that did air struck us as more "racy" than the one that was banned prior to the game. In all, it's just a stunt marketing strategy that worked. Everyone is talking about it and will be for a long time.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     Feb- 7-05  
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VOTE! for the best GoDaddy AD now! the site is and has lots of cools Bikini links including the JoeBikini Godaddy Ad shot in South Beach that was only ran in some "Mens" show!! We will never know if the Joe Bikini Girls (about 10 in the ad) were just "TOO PRETTY" for the "House Godaddy Girl". Well, you can click on the Testmonials link and still see it for yourself. Then vote for your favorite Up to now!

Posted by: Besty Woller on February 3, 2006 11:03 PM

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