Yet Another Golden Palace Forehead Ad Claimed PR Stunt

Analyzing the images and offering some theory, Adland suggest the latest eBay/Forehead ad is just a Golden Palace publicity stunt. Adland claims the tattoo is nothing but a sticker and that all Golden Palace is attempting to achieve here is free publicity. Aside from the fact that, well, that's what this is all about, reportedly, a Utah woman, Kari Smith placed a bid on eBay which Golden Palace won for $10,000. Smith plans to use the money to send her son, Brady, to private school. Well, with the increasing insanity of increasing school tuition, maybe, stunt or not, this might be a good thing. Unless, of course, Smith was simply paid the money by Golden Palace in a clandestine agreement for publicity. The again, if she actually gets the money and sends her son to school, that's really not a bad thing.
It is amazing to me this tattooing continues to get press. As soon as the press stops, so does the tattoo advertising medium. At that point it is about as effective a marketing plan as a sandwich board.
Total stunt. Not that their other ones haven't been but this one is so transparent it is ridiculous. What I love is the footage that CNN Headline News has been airing of her actually "getting" the tattoo. It's painfully clear that nothing is happening. The "tattoo shop" looks like a doctor's office. Gimme a break. And seriously, what kind of jackass only takes $10,000 to get something tattooed on their face??? I'm not buying it.
IF this is a true story -- which after watching video footage, seems to be -- I have to express my sincere disillusionment and depression that all those jokes about redneck/hillbilly/trailer-trash is actually true.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the beginning of humanities decline. Darwin Awards, here we come!
After looking at it in Photoshop very closely I think it COULD be real. It looks like there is hair growing out of the first O. BUT, it also could be done with marker. I have a hard time believing that someone would actually go through with it. If she realy did, her face is wrecked for the rest of her life. What will she do- wear thick makeup over it? Maybe she'll sue Goldenpalace in ten years accusing them of ruining her life. Imagine what all the people who got OJ Simpson's # tatooed on them in the 70's are going through?
Dear Steve,
Here comes the old saying: Who those have money can buy every thing.
Appreciate the venture of this mom. If she has had other way to gain hard money she had not go this way.
Who knows what? After the graduation of her son; could she compensated for her venture? Can he find the job, he and his mom, are dreaming? Why the Universities fees are so high, to oblige someone go the wrong way, to collect it?
Do you advertise your site this way?
How I can check back this post after one week/month?
Abdol Rahim Mirza.
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