ad:tech San Francisco Approaches, IMPACT Series Ongoing

With the full disclosure that ad:tech advertises on this site, we thought we'd remind you the San Francisco show is coming up and will be held April 26-28 at the Moscone center. If you work in advertising, you already know it's the biggest online marketing conference around and a good excuse to attend a slew of mid-week parties. If you want to go and you sign up before March 25 with the discount code ATSF4B, you can get 20 percent off the early bird price of $995 for a full conference pass. We make no money by telling you this. We just thought you'd like to know.
In the meantime, ad:tech is hosting a series of one day shows in ten cities around the country called IMPACT. Basically, it brings the big show to your back yard. Check it out here. If you decide to go, use the discount code AR2006.