Sony-Bravia Ad All Over Flickr And YouTube, Promo Site Down

As we mentioned a couple weeks ago, Fallon would be creating a follow up to its Sony Bravia Balls ad. On a site set up specifically to monitor the creation of the ad, the agency released a lone photo of a random Glasgow UK skyscraper, the location where the ad would be created. Fallon has been very busy since then splashing paint all over the building by detonating paint bombs and all other manner of paint dispersal. Videos and photos of the creation have made their way to YouTube and Flickr. Apparently, people are quite interested in watching Fallon at work as this morning, the Bravia ad site is down. A nice problem to have, perhaps.
Of course, Letterman tossed bouncing balls plus other things (like watermelons) from SF streets in 1996 and going further back, Dave has been tossing things off buildings (borrowed from Steve Allen show?)