Hamish the House Cleaner At It Again

Y&R just can't seem to get its act together these days. Following the exit of Cheryl Fudge last year for because of - some would say - poor performance, Hamish McLennan was brought in as worldwide CEO. Somewhat of a house cleaner, McLennan made some changes including the hiring of Chris Jacques as CEO of Y&R North America last June and the booting of Worldwide Creative Director Michael Patti. Jacques formerly headed Y&R Asia. Just over six months later, Jacques is leaving for *cough*, *cough* personal reasons. Right. When was the last time an exec had actual personal issues when leaving an agency?
Anyway, McLennan will step into Jacques role for the time being as the dust settles. It seems the agency needs a swift kick in the ass to right itself. We hear a certain Julie Roehm is pretty good at kicking ass. And she's available.
Ann Fudge, not Cheryl.