Prince Halftime Show Leaves More Than Half to Be Desired

Halftime shows are typically fine if forgettable performances, the only exception in recent memory being Janet and Justin's pop-infused duet which ended ... well, you know how it ended.
Still, we knew we'd have to prepare ourselves for something decidedly cringe-worthy when lightning struck the stage at the opening of the halftime show. And indeed, our expectations were met when Prince appeared swathed in a cobalt blue suit, breezy orange blouse and black doo-rag, on a platform shaped like a fucking ankh, topped off with a menagerie of guitar transitions.
We have to give kudos to a guy who can not only play real mean but successfully set off a bazillion pyrotechnics despite a torrent of rain. Still, there remains a lot to wince about. The stage leaks so much smoke the dancers are not just obscured but nearly asphyxiated. Oh and look, a band with glo-sticks lining their uniforms. And a cover of "Proud Mary" with a very bad Tina Turner stand-in. Can you say lame explosion?
We dig "Purple Rain" and the ankh guitar, plus that gigantic phallic silhouette - nice touch. Prince expectedly pulls off a great if damn pompous production. We simply fail to understand how he can ooze sex, wear purple velour and tote ankhs at the same time, and we also think his music's gone south since the "When Doves Cry" days.
A good safe choice, however. And in Prince's defense, this was a far better presentation than the oft-mentioned "wardrobe malfunction." Unfortunately, nixing the reams of negative press, an FCC-spawned moral crisis, the consequent media chill effect, and a fine bigger than the cost of a house, it's also far more forgettable.
Did you notice that when he went behind the curtain, the guitar looked deliberately phallic?
Did you notice that when he went behind the curtain, the guitar looked deliberately phallic?
Did you notice that when he went behind the curtain, the guitar looked deliberately phallic?
Your review seems kind of harsh. All superbowl halftime shows sucked, but give credit where its due, that man just SHREDDED it, in the middle of a howling apocalypse of rain. How many other performers can sing and perform like that while tearing up an electric guitar in the middle of torrential downpour? Prince was always pretty good at his craft, but after watching him sing and play (and no question it was faked) hes gone up a few levels in my esteem. When the armageddon comes, and the world ends in fire, there's a good chance Prince will be performing live at the after party.
Sorry, in the above comment, I meant to say theres no question his performance was NOT faked. As opposed to so many live performances we see on late night shows and superbowl halftimes.
Huh. I thought it was pretty good. 100% live with a performer who actually sounded like he could sing. Couldn't hear the band, of course, but the rain sure looked cool.
PRINCE KILLED!!! If you think about the past halftime shows, the NFL should be calling Prince every year. Here's someone who sang LIVE and totally showcased the skills on the guitar. I was totally into it by the time he pulled out the Jimmy Hendrix!! And hey, give him a break, every year there is the customary "reach out to the kids" sidekick. At least Prince used a band that appeared to keep up. BEST HALFTIME SHOW IN A LOONNNNNNG TIME!!!
You need to get your head out of your ass my friend... If glo-sticks and leopard patterns is what you judge a musician's performance by (rather than the music itself) then there are plenty of meaningless performers out there suited for your type (I hear P-Diddy's a really great dresser when he's on stage)...
Prince's shows today are normally stripped down, so people can hear/see his "talents" and not be diverted with the things you're looking for. With his variety of guitar solos during the halftime show, he again reminded the world what makes him an "artist". Prince isn't for people like you...
Give Prince more credit for the half time show! It's been raining like crazy here all day, I'm surprised they pulled it off as well as they did.
Oh, Miles. I'd cry but Christina Aguilera just reminded me that I'm beautiful, no matter what they say.
Are you kidding me with that review? I won't insult your intelligence - you've already done that fairly well yourself. Prince is an incredible musician with or without the light show and has been doing just fine for the last 30 years without the approval of people who "don't get it".
His performance was great given the weather conditions. You need to appreciate great artistry rather than great attire - that is why he was invited. As for your opinion that his music has gone south, how many musicians of his generation have 5 grammy nominations?
I second miles' notion. Prince is an amazing performer and the band was amusing for the non-prince loving part of the population. Your review is completely off. I love Prince for his talent as well has his eccentric dressing and behavior. Based on the general corruption of the music industry Prince had every right to go through an identity crisis. You should listen to a Prince album and work your reviewing skills.
I think your article sucks.......PRINCE tore it up for a half time show . He is a outstanding performer and give credit where credit do he came on firing with the bands and he didn't stop.
You have no soul if you can't see the beauty of the entire Prince halftime show.
Who wrote this? Angela, did Prince one refuse your advances towards him? Or did he just totally ignore you? I don't understand why people will not give him the credit for being an awesome musician and even better live performer. Rainstorm or not. He rocked! Did you see his press conference? Did you see Billy Joel's? Enough said.
Who wrote this? Angela, did Prince one refuse your advances towards him? Or did he just totally ignore you? I don't understand why people will not give him the credit for being an awesome musician and even better live performer. Rainstorm or not. He rocked! Did you see his press conference? Did you see Billy Joel's? Enough said.
Your review is so far off it's laughable. That was one of the best performances I've ever seen, and when you factor in the weather, it's hard to believe he pulled it off.
Prince kicked ass!
It was the best halftime show I've ever seen. It made me remember how great a musician he is.
Prince rocked the house. You'll say anything for pageviews, no?
Prince is a genius, at least a musical one. Is it any wonder why people write such crap reviews when they cleary have not got the brain power to idenitfy what is talent & what is not ( I blame Simon Cowell) or whatever his name is, too much manafactured shit out there on the radio waves melting this reviewer brain cells that the poor block cannot no longer tell the difference between what is good & what is not. The future looks bleak if this continues. As for the performance, Prince is a Class act, probably the greatest musical performer we have wittnessed & a ture showman even when he is not performing. I suggest the reviewer review his career, its not his gig. Peace.
Prince is a genius, at least a musical one. Is it any wonder why people write such crap reviews when they cleary have not got the brain power to idenitfy what is talent & what is not ( I blame Simon Cowell) or whatever his name is, too much manafactured shit out there on the radio waves melting this reviewer brain cells that the poor block cannot no longer tell the difference between what is good & what is not. The future looks bleak if this continues. As for the performance, Prince is a Class act, probably the greatest musical performer we have wittnessed & a ture showman even when he is not performing. I suggest the reviewer review his career, its not his gig. Peace.
I read this article with such excitement, cuz for some reason it was one of the first ones that a google search brought up. Being one of the hugest Prince fans I wondered what the buzz was about that awesome Halftime show that I saw. Then I read the article, still with an open mind.. but, just wanted 2 choke someone more and more as the article went on. I've heard of U or any of your friends.. but I think U really need 2 get out and get some.. and good stuff... key word Multiple... but the point is u got no rhythm and really need 2 get out more.. that was a great halftime show and I know everyone could find something 2 enjoy out of it. But, I did a little reserch on you before I actully wrote this. So I can tell that you a little uptight and aren't all that fond of American Football, the NFL, the Super Bowl, and all that is fun with sports and all. But, that performance by Prince was amazing for the people that where at the show and those watching it. Maybe we should put him on a stool, on the 50 yard line, with a spotlight, a mic stand, and a guitar. Fact is he oould have still commanded the attention of millions from that one stool and one spot light... Thanks Prince and the NPG. As for Angela Natividad I hope u get a little love soon. U look like a pretty girl from the pic I saw. Maybe if u didn't hang around so many uptight people. I'm not checking typing.. so don't be critical... thanxxx..
seriously man... stop hating. Prince did a really good job tonight.
Name a better halftime show stupid writer. That was awesome at its awesomenest.
I really would like to see your wardrobe when you perform for 140 million people. Oh right, you dont perform, you write for crappy free web site. Loser.
that prince silhouette was the largest display of a cock i've ever seen on national tv. absolutely hilarious. the entire party i was watching with suddenly started paying attention and laughing their heads off.
mmm, not an ankh - it's prince's symbol (his 'name' when he was "the artist formerly known as prince"). it does incorporate aspects of the ankh, but it's def not an ankh.
prince still rocks - this performance is spot-on for the intended mainstream audience. besides, has there ever been an under-produced not-cringe-worthy superbowl halftime show?
He rocked. It was the best halftime ever.
I don't like Prince....
But that show was good, and he was fantastic given the rain.
Your review is the one that sucks.
Prince did an excellent show, he was one of the few people with a big name who could reach many different age groups, he looks great just like he walked out of a time machine, he really did hendrix justice onstage
Wow, Angela. You've awakened the Prince Army.
But I have to agree with most of them. Remember Paul McCartney's horrendous faked halftime show?
At least Prince played. And well.
And rain during Purple Rain? I'm sure Prince saw that as God's own blessing on his show.
Excuse me, what business do you have writing a music review? You are clearly in the wrong profession. Prince's show is being hearalded by respected critics, as well as anyone with half a clue, as perhaps the greatest half-time show ever. Did you even have the sound on on you television? I suppose you would prefer the truly painful and pathetic wailing of Paul McCartney?
Prince's halftime show was one of the best ones I could recall. With the rain coming down, it brought a cinematic quality and drama to the whole spectacle. His solos were fantastic and his selection of songs were great... the Hendrix/Watchtower piece should have be longer, but what can you do.
I typically agree with most stuff from this blog, but I really can't agree with this review. Prince held his own and rocked it.
Sorry but Prince's show was the best halftime I can remember. His raw and manic guitar solos left me gaping. I was quite suprised by the covers he chose during the medley, but David Grohl must feel honored by the treatment Prince gave his "Best of You": again with the ripping guitar and soulful in-pitch screaming.
Maybe this means Prince wants to go on tour again.
You are crazy. This is the best halftime show I've ever seen, and I'm particularly cynical when it comes to the watered-down, lame performances the NFL chooses year after year. Prince proved he's still the man, and he rocked it rather well in pouring rain. Your review is weak and sad.
It's not an ahnk fool, it's his symbol. It was a great performance. You are a lazy writer. You suck.
Um, what show were you watching? Did you by any chance confuse Prince with Billy Joel? Did you actually see/hear it at all? I can't believe that you did after reading your review...what nonsense. Whatever little credibility you had is shot. Prince owned that show!
Silly Rabbit, to be a critic you should be able to think, write and perhaps even know what the hell you are talking about? Prince was given 13 minutes in a storm on a slick stage with average sound to put on a show that had to pass through some censorship committee. Even good performers would have sucked (most have).
Prince took this situation and ROCKED! Fantastic, incredible and genius were some of words I expected (and most have) used to describe this performance.
The conditions made it better. I got out of my seat when he was doing Purple Rain in honest to God PURPLE RAIN!!!!!
Even the covers were done for a reason you idiot! For example he covered "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters' who recently covered his song "Darling Nikki". Nice little pay back there. He put so much of his own style in even these songs that they were tributes that ironically showed how ORIGINAL and talented Prince is by comparison. Wow!
It must be hard to write with your head up your ass. Who are you anyway? Oh yeah nobody.
You HAVE to be kidding me! I wasn't even much of a Prince fan before seeing that show. Forget the fact that it was a halftime show...That performance was AMAZING! I always heard about what a great guitar player he was and last night he must have channeled Hendrix, because he tore it up. He did this both with great tunes and musicianship. Hands down...BEST halftime show EVER!
I suppose Janet Jackson was more to your liking? Prince was masterful...end of story. Minimum attitude, maximum music/talent.He writes, sings, plays every instrument, does the designing and choreography and calls the shots. You must be really young or sheltered not to know about him.
Pity, because you wrote about him and showed yourself to be a complete and utter mclueless moron.....Get over yourself, you feminazi.
I suppose Janet Jackson was more to your liking? Prince was masterful...end of story. Minimum attitude, maximum music/talent.He writes, sings, plays every instrument, does the designing and choreography and calls the shots. You must be really young or sheltered not to know about him.
Pity, because you wrote about him and showed yourself to be a complete and utter clueless moron.....Get over yourself, you feminazi.
that was hands down the best halftime show i've ever seen, Princeis a genius.
What is wrong with you? You STUPID woman! Prince was trying to appeal to everyone with his song choices, and he was brilliant! I have seen him perform better but only because it was all his music! I really pity you. Prince is a musical genious!
Are you kidding me? You must be either very young or very ignorant. That was not an ahnk! You obviously don't know anything about Prince or his music sadly. Probably shouldn't write of things you know nothing about.
This was the first article that pops up when you google Prince SuperBowl halftime. I thought the review was harsh, and off base, but thought hmmmm. . . maybe I am biased as I am a Prince fan. So I decided to read the comments. Out of the 47 comments not one agreed with you or even validated anything you wrote. Most people thought you were just off your rocker and others insulted you for being so foolish. My words of advice are to get to know the subject matter before you expose yourself to criticism, and use facts to back yourself up. It really appeared that you knew nothing about Prince and just didn't like him at all. Prince is wickedly talented and had any number of songs that he could have chosen to perform. When you couple that with the horrible weather conditions that he played through on, you can see that he is an "artist"! try again there, sweetie
Chuck (the first posted is right)....
Am so amused that sight of Prince's phallic guitar silhouette has received no noticeable outrage from the pale, white, uptight fundies. On second thought, it not surprising since few of them would probably recognize what a large, erect p*nis actually looked like.
Wow, you know absolutely nothing about music. It's people like you who are the reason why garbage music is dominating the airwaves. Prince is an incredible musician and this was the most exciting halftime show ever!!
Adrants: Wrong on this one. That was the best half time show since U2. And I don't even like Prince all that much.
Also, extra points to the dude for playing and singing live at the Superbowl. In the rain, no less. Very cool.
What an awful article. The stage and the guitar were not shaped like ankh, they were shaped like the symbol Prince named himself for in the 90s. Do some research, for crying out loud.
Best superbowl halftime ever.
being a fomer employee at paisley park and not being a prince fan but a employee, i watched my former check writer and told all my non prince fan party goers at my house to shut up and sit down. 4 or 5 of the hater back then, that turned down my invites for some of his late night partys were present.
And bam the halftime show begins in true HD color, and prince rocks it as i have seen in closed door jam session and late night open to public partys, while being on tour and working his birthday week.
Ms lady all that above is to point out that man has being kicking ass musically for along time and after the haters saw the performance of this man in the rain and the set still functioning in a storm and the music on hit. they really got the fact THAT THEY HAVE MISSED OUT on one of the most talented humans on the planet.
And I worte this long ass emial posting so that you would see that WE UP HERE IN MINNESOTA HAVE BEEN BLESSED, and i hope that you remember that all you get in this world is your reputation and i hope your short small minded less then objective commentary gets you removed to the basement like the guy in OFFICE SPACE(with no check) , you closed minded ninny!
OK, people. Everyone calm down.
Ms. Natividad may have a faulty opinion on Prince and his performance, but let�s ease up on her already. After all, she was madly typing posts while most of us were chugging booze and chomping Doritos on Sunday.
Plus, regular visitors to this blog have to admit she�s a breath of semi-fresh air compared to Hall�s every-other-post-features-big-titties routine.
Thanks very much HighJive and I'm glad to have Angela on board. And, as you so eloquently state, it is a good vacation my so-called "every-other-post-features-big-titties routine." Though you have to admit, that sort of coverage has gone down...even before Angela's arrival. Make no mistake, though. That coverage is not going away. Not until advertisers stop using that approach to sell. And, yes, I am aware of the piece today on the disrobing woman promoting a book:-)
"Hall�s every-other-post-features-big-titties routine."
Which, I'm ok with, I really am.
Damn, had to check out the reviews here I heard about. Chill the fuck out people. Angelina's entitled to her opinion. It was a solid show everything considered, and the review gave it props where warranted. So many anonymous comments too, what a shock. At least leave an url link if you're gonna talk shit.
Know what? Prince IS an amazing guitar player, one of the best today, and he does deserve cred for singing live, playing live and keeping it together in the rain. (Try playing an instrument in the rain when you can't wipe off your face), but people, Prine lovers especially, stop reviewing this show through the rose-colored glasses of his PAST and best achievements.
To say this show was his or the best SB halftime show ever? Clean out your bongs.
Yeah, he had energy. But a greatest hits melody? Wow. What a surprise Never saw THAT coming. Each song morphed into the next faster than the fucking roadrunner. The guitar was back in the mix and was hard to hear at times too, even with HD/surround sound.
Maybe U2 is about the only other band as charismatic as Prince for a halftime show, but Bono is out selling shit with Oprah - he couldn't make it.
Solid show. Best ever though? You gotta be kidding. Here's to Tiny Kiss playing the halftime show next year instead.
Please. Disrobing book promoter? That's nothing on Bikini's College.
You guys are awesome.
angela needs a new job.
Please take out the "we" in your rant. Judging by the comments posted above, it appears that you are out on your own. You're writing style is lame, too. Maybe you should look for a new job.
Oh - and screw your feeble co-workers for standing up for that shit sandwich of an article.
"Hey, guys - ease up! She was writing while you drank beer." Whatever...
You three shitheads have the perfect job writing for some lame-ass website. There's a sweet career, huh? You've got my email, call me and I'll put up my job (and life) against your lame excuse for living any day and any time.
There is no excuse for exactly how freaking pathetic that article was! She obviously knows nothing about Prince or his music! What is she doing writing about him? Oh and have you heard of Prince's RECENT achievements? Five Grammy nominations and a Golden Globe win!
You are a MORON. Prince played (not lipsynched like most) one of the ONLY GOOD half time shows I've ever seen. He proved that he still has it and is probably one of the worlds BEST performers since the death of James Brown.
Your criticisms of the show were WEAK at best.
That was the best half time performance i've ever seen, with U2 in 2002 a close second. I've seen Prince live 3 times, and he in a million years would NEVER lip sync. And as for the phallic symbol, unless your living under a rock you should know that his symbol has been that for years, and should be a shock to no-one. Prince rocks!!
I�m gonna comment like it's 1999.
Might I remind everyone that Adrants is an American based website and when it comes to commenting on the work of any given artist, we, and every American, are granted the freedom to say absolutely whatever the fuck we want. We call it freedom of speech. We hope you've heard of it.
And, with freedom of speech, you are, of course, more than welcome to disagree with anything that appears on this website. We love that. We encourage that. Nothing pleases us more than a piece that gets tons of comments such as this one.
However, calling someone a moron or a shit head is rude, infantile, inexcusable and a personal attack on a person's person rather than the content of the person's story with with you are disagreeing. Please grow up.
As for there being three shit heads here at Adrants (if that is, in fact what you are referring to in your comment, tommy), you are wrong. We only only have two shit heads on staff:-) But only we can call ourselves shit heads, OK?
Healthy debate = good
Name calling = highschool idiocy
Fair enough. I do not know the writer as a person. I respectfully retract my "moron" statement.
That said, the writer of this article has NO idea what is 1) sexy 2) stylish and 3)unbelieveably talented.
I'm curious as to what it is she would have liked to see instead of: a stage shaped like "a fucking ankh" a man dressed in flamboyant clothing, smoke and pyrotechnics, Dancers, a full marching band, songs that most people know and a performer with outstanding stage presence.
I wonder what it takes to entertain some people some times. Really. As a musician myself and being not of the age to have seen some of the "greats" in person I am so thankful there are performers like Prince to remind me of what it probably felt like to see Hendrix, James Brown, Chuck Berry etc.
But maybe I'm missing the point. Maybe it's BECAUSE we're in America that we shouldn't see things like Breasts and penises. That performers like Prince are crude and pompus. Not sexy and great (...the man is a LEDGEND...I think he deserves some strut in his step.)
We are to love Billy Ray Cyrus on a round stage, dressed in a business suit with his head down.
No one gets hurt.
No one gets excited.
It was a good show but from the photoshopped lightning to Prince's guitar work-it was fake!
the music was prerecorded and the Prince acted out a routine ala milli/vanilly.
GuitMan. What in GOD's name are you talking about.
Prince's guitar work was in NO WAY fake and as far as equating him to Mili/vanilly...he sang EVERY was as plain to me as it would be to Hellen Keller.
You are out of your mind.
Oh come on! "Guitman" knows he is being ridiculous! Does someone need some attention? Let's not give him any.
Hey Bob Parsons... If Prince wasn't the best, at least have the balls to nominate some you think was.
Hey Bob Parsons... If Prince wasn't the best, at least have the balls to nominate someone you think was.
"Hey Bob Parsons... If Prince wasn't the best, at least have the balls to nominate someone you think was"
I already said U2 genius, little thing called a 9/11 tribute.
That might have been the most powerful televised music performance in history and prince did it in front of 1 billion people worldwide in incredibly difficult conditions. You have no concept of anything if you could not appreciate that show. That�s not an opinion that�s a fact. I feel sorry for you and your mediocre waste of a website.
it really disappoints me that for those that don't 'get' prince and his music can write such unworthy reviews. if the man had simply come out and graced us with his royal presence, we would have been blessed indeed. but the mere fact that he blew us out of the water with one of the BEST effing halftime shows the world has ever witnessed is beyond me why there are still haters and nonbelievers out there. what more does the man have to do to prove himself. fortunately for him, his swagger with his good looks, charm and amazing talent, he could care less about mere pieons like you, who, once again, just don't get it!
Yeah, what everyone else said--you're either blind, deaf or just plain stupid. Stick to reviewing things you know about--music is definitely NOT one of them. Prince pulled it off and showed the world what he's really about. It was like watching Purple Rain all over again. His passion for performing and music was definitely felt by all and will be remembered for a long, long time. Maybe you could have done a better job...?