Dear Motorola, Dancing With Strangers Is Not Normal

There's a problem with this new video campaign for Motorola's S9 wireless headphones which captures the fictional dance crew, Wirebreakers, challenging members of the public to dance offs in random locations such as a putting range, art gallery, public library and a squash court. Most people, when confronted by a strange person appearing suddenly in front of then with arms flailing and legs wiggling , will either beat the crap out of the approachee, stare or run for fear of their lives. The last thing they'll do, as portrayed in the first video of the campaign, is to actually begin dancing with the approachee as if they were long time acquaintances.
The campaign will consist of eight videos in total, released over the course of the summer. Be warned. A strange dude may approach you at any time and challenge you to a dance off.
You jump in front of me arms all akimbo and I'm hold a driver...yeah, it's going to end badly for you.
Black dude "jumps" in front of white dude and lives to tell about it...yeah right.
Black dude "jumps" in front of white dude and lives to tell about it...yeah right.
What the fuck is wrong with you... All this shit is produced by Ad People... You know, the ones that don't live in the real world. People that brainstorm over a $750 dinner at NoBu (with "you know who") while working on a campign to sell frozen pizza to unmarried mothers who live in trailer parks in Arkansas. Check out the video locations... A fucking squash court for Christ's sake... 99% of America thinks that's where you stomp on cockroaches!!!
these were made in canada not america, and just becuase you think the hole world is rascist and scarred of black youths, the reality is different, but your all cunts
Hey Thatruth...
Might pay to get yourself a spell checker.
These are quite obviously staged and I think all but the most stupid (some commenting here) would know so. The campaign plainly shows the none restrictiveness of the WIRELESS headphone. Anyone who has had their ipod smash to the ground while at the gym or on a run will appreciate this. It works, check out the 100,000 of views these videos are getting and the great response.
These are quite obviously staged and I think all but the most stupid (some commenting here) would know so. The campaign plainly shows the none restrictiveness of the WIRELESS headphone. Anyone who has had their ipod smash to the ground while at the gym or on a run will appreciate this. It works, check out the 100,000 of views these videos are getting and the great response.
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