Sean John Extends Puke-Inducing Campaign to Video

In what simply has to be a joke, Sean Combs/John/Whatever released a video (which he painfully calls "a blog" ... it's a POST, people. A POST on a BLOG) for the movie I Am King. And the best part? He wants to be the next James Bond. Seriously. Or not.
The entire campaign -- which promotes his new fragrance -- is so far fetched, it's not easy to discern the difference between joke and cringe-worthy creative intent.
What he claims to be an homage to "all the men out there that take care of your children, your family and respect and treat yourself like the kings that we all are becasue we are children of God," is really an embarrassment to all men.
With statement after statement of ridiculous bravado, John succeeds only at making himself look increasingly foolish and clown-like. Is there really anyone out there who'd want to emulate the ridiculous lifestyle portrayed in this campaign by buying I Am King?
"This is our time. This is our moment. Will you answer the calling?" No but, damn, I just puked again.
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Creative Commentary, Video, Worst