Adrants AdverPost Examples
An AdverPost is an ad placement that mirrors the look of editorial and is placed as the second story on the Adrants home page on a rotational basis. An AdverPost is written by the Adrants editor andis sold on a CPM basis.
"Adrants' innovative Adverpost program significantly and measurably increased visibility for our event and translated directly into qualified registrants."
- Michael Grover, Director of Marketing, CMP Media's TechWeb Network
Adrants to Crush AdFreak In 'Battle of the Ad Blogs'

We were going to sit back and take the high road on this competition, letting things flow organically but, what the hell, AdFreak isn't and the competition is a battle after all so we're bringing out the guns. Let's show the industry a small upstart like Adrants can crush the big VNU-backed AdFreak. But let's remember it's all in good fun. To bring you up to speed, Adrants was named a contender in AdLand's Battle of the Ad Blogs in the Best Commercial Ad Blog category. We are joined in that category by some other very fine ad blogs including Adhurl, AdJab, the aforementioned AdFreak, MarketingVOX, The Spunker and Fast Company. We're honored to be among such a fine collection of fellow advertising opinionites but we're confident Adrants readers will rally to the cause of standing up for the little guy...even though we're not really all that little anymore, mind you.
So drag your mouse over to the Battle of the Ad Blogs, scroll down to the Best Commercial Ad Blog category, vote for Adrants and smoke AdFreak's ass.
ExactTarget Extends Webinar Series to Email Design

Some say email marketing is dead. Not ExactTarget, an email solutions company that's done succesful successful work for big boy marketers The Home Depot, General Mills and Bristol-Myers Squibb as well as lots of small- to medium sized businesses. ExactTarget is sharing its expertise and insight with a new, free Effective Email Design webinar which will offer tips on design and share best practices.
Web Marketing Association Launches IAC Awards

Alright all you creative types, the next ego-fest has arrived. The Web marketing Association has announced its fourth annual Internet Advertising Competition so fire up your Flash, your Shockwave, your Adobe Creative Suite, your Macromedia Studio and dig through the past year's worth of your work to un-earth those creative gems your proud of, your boss loved and your client high-fived you for. The competition grants awards by industry across several categories including best microsite, best newsletter campaign, best online ad and, thankfully, best ad the client didn't choose.
The organizations website details what you need to know to enter, who's judging and who won in past years. To be eligible for entry, the work must have run between January 1, 2005 and January 31, 2006 and be submitted to the IAC Awards website by January 31, 2006.
Garbage In, Garbage Out. Greatness In Greatness Out

Reminding us why our elders always told us to plan ahead, Aquent's newly released video, Project Initiation: Start Strong, Stay Strong, features Aquent Technologies President Chris Moody who explains why a design project�s outcome is so dependent on the initial planning process and how proper planning can save time, money and yield great work. Watch and reminisce my friends.
Exhibition to Help Marketers Get Inside Consumer's Mind And Body

In advertising, marketers are always trying to get an inside view of consumers to better tailor commercial messaging. Of course, that inside view is figurative, never providing a truly clear image of what's going on inside a person. With an upcoming event called, Bodies...The Exhibition, that will all change. Rather than guess at the inner workings of the human mind and body, Bodies...the Exhibition, held at the South Street Seaport in New York beginning November 19, will showcase real human bodies including a collection of 22 full bodies and 260 organs preserved in their natural state. That's right. Bodies...the Exhibition promises to unveil the inner workings and many complex systems of organs and human tissue that make up...well...consumers. The organizers of the event, sensing the ad industry's need to get a deeper look into its target audiences, will offer Adrants readers a 15 percent discount during opening weekend. Just bring a print out of this email when you go to the exhibit.
Aquent Offers Buzzword-Worthy Best Practices

In yet another Best Practices video, marketing and creative services firm Aquent explains how workload, because of increased marketing sophistication, has increased exponentially requiring 4-5 times more effort and expense compared to sales figures. Also, touching on the industry's propensity to grant lofty titles to under qualified individuals, Aquent Business Analyst Jennifer Miller explains how Aquent's market-wide knowledge of company practices can provide businesses with a benchmark from which to improve their operations.
Naturally, the video is full of the usual buzzwords and doesn't hide it. But, then again, this is advertising so it's entirely appropriate. Miller explains Aquent's most successful clients are "willing to embrace change" and explains how Aquent can offer help to companies that "don't have the resources free to dedicate to optimizing their processes." Basically, Aquent says they can offer companies a chance to compare themselves to one another and to use that knowledge to improve.
Flippies Launches Flip Book Marketing

Once popular as Cracker Jack prizes and an early form of interactive entertainment, the flip book - which created a mini-movie by flipping quickly through its pages - all but vanished from the scene until a company called Flippies, using custom produced clips of live-action footage or animation, decided to re-engineer the novelty into a bona fide, thumb-triggered promotional advertising tool. With marketers blathering on about eBay-powered headvertising, taxi-trunk arm-vertising, cow-side advertising and even ass-vertising, it's refreshing to see something break-through which is simple and straight-forward for a change.
Video Offers Tips to Improve Creative

In this first installment of a new video series called Inside Marketing from marketing and creative services firm Aquent, Practice Leader Ed Krug discusses three objective metrics for internal creative services benchmarking: on time delivery, accuracy to estimate and adherence to measurable brand standards. While some might toss this off as lean back, marketing blather-speak, Krug properly advocates the addition of quantitative metrics to the creative process that he claims will help creative services organizations decrease re-work, increase re-use and simply do better work. He also communicates that this quantitative approach to performance measurement allows a rationale for increased expenditures, to justify additional headcount, to build the business case to add additional technology and to identify other types of process improvement. It's worth a look.
Graphic Design Contest Offers $5,000 Prize

Aquent and Adobe have teamed for Studio Smackdown 2, a four week graphic design elimination contest which will net the grand prize winner $5,000. Using Adobe Creative Suite 2 and Macromedia Flash, contestants will submit their completed designs to the Studio Smackdown 2 site along with a video confession revealing their creative insights and decision making processes. The audience, American Idol-style, will judge contestants, vote for those they deem worthy and boot those deemed wannabes.
Voting begins September 20 and the Studio Smackdown champion will be announced October 18. Register to vote at
HP Campaign Offers Printer Rebate and Free Color Profiling Service

To promote its HP Designjet 130, Designjet 90, Designjet 30 series and Photosmart 8750 printers, HP has launched its Extreme Exchange Promotion which offers up to $500 in rebates when buyers trade in a qualifying printer or camera. The campaign runs from June 1 to October 15 and, for those who take advantage of the offer by July 31, HP will provide its HP Color Profiling Service for HP Designjet printer free of charge.
Visual Thesaurus Hopes to Eliminate Writer's Block

If you write copy, marketing plans or white papers, you know the power of well chosen words. You also know how excruciatingly difficult it can be to come up with words which convey the desired nuance. A company called ThinkMap feels that pain and has created a thesaurus on steroids that puts Roget's to shame.
Already used by creatives at BBDO, Deutsch, Mother and other shops for brainstorming, naming, copywriting and ideation, ThinkMap's Visual Thesaurus uses a graphic interface to animate the English language in a unique way, revealing the meanings, origins, pronunciations and relationships between words. After entering a word it creates a matrix of type, colored dots and floating lines to display the meanings, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and the relationships between 145,000 English words.
Client Speaks. Headlines Get Smaller
GoToMeeting is the easiest way to organize and attend online meetings, enabling agency coworkers, clients and prospects to view and share any application running on a PC in real time. Share a new business pitch with the agency president vacationing in New Zealand. Brainstorm new campaigns with teams in agency offices around the world. Show clients images directly from your exotic photo shoots. Even present creative to the client who's stuck in the airport. So pick up the phone now, and call 1-800...oh wait, this is the Internet. Go to and find out how you, too, can one up your boss.
Agency President Speaks, Headline Gets Bigger
GoToMeeting is the easiest way to organize and attend online meetings, enabling agency coworkers, clients and prospects to view and share any application running on a PC in real time. Share a new business pitch with the agency president vacationing in New Zealand. Brainstorm new campaigns with teams in agency offices around the world. Show clients images directly from your exotic photo shoots. Even present creative to the client who's stuck in the airport. So pick up the phone now, and call 1-800...oh wait, this is the Internet. Go to and find out how you, too, can stroke your boss's size fixations.
Account Supervisor Pitches Concept to Vacationing Agency President
GoToMeeting is the easiest way to organize and attend online meetings, enabling agency coworkers, clients and prospects to view and share any application running on a PC in real time. Share a new business pitch with the agency president vacationing in New Zealand. Brainstorm new campaigns with teams in agency offices around the world. Show clients images directly from your exotic photo shoots. Even present creative to the client who's stuck in the airport. So pick up the phone now, and call 1-800...oh wait, this is the Internet. Go to and find out how you, too, can stroke your bosses ego virtually.
ExactTarget Launches Email Marketing Webinar Series

Account Supervisor Saves Travel Expenses, Gets Raise
GoToMeeting is the easiest way to organize and attend online meetings, enabling agency coworkers, clients and prospects to view and share any application running on a PC in real time. Share a new business pitch with the agency president vacationing in New Zealand. Brainstorm new campaigns with teams in agency offices around the world. Show clients images directly from your exotic photo shoots. Even present creative to the client who's stuck in the airport. So pick up the phone now, and call 1-800...oh wait, this is the Internet. Go to and find out how you, too, can be as cool as Julie.
Part II of a series. Next: Account Supervisor Pitches Concept to Vacationing Agency President
Maven Makes Marketing More Marvelous Aquisition Bolsters Offering to Advertisers

AE Freaks Over Client Request, Creative Director Chills

GoToMeeting is the easiest way to organize and attend online meetings, enabling agency coworkers, clients and prospects to view and share any application running on a PC in real time. Share a new business pitch with the agency president vacationing in New Zealand. Brainstorm new campaigns with teams in agency offices around the world. Show clients images directly from your exotic photo shoots. Even present creative to the client who's stuck in the airport. So pick up the phone now, and call 1-800...oh wait, this is the Internet. Go to and find out how you, too, can be as cool as Wayne.
Part I of a series. Next: Julie Shares Images From Photoshoot With Extended Account Team"
GoToMeeting Helps Creatives Avoid Facing Critique

GoToMeeting is the easiest way to organize and attend online meetings, enabling agency coworkers, clients and prospects to view and share any application running on a PC in real time. Share a new business pitch with the agency president vacationing in New Zealand. Brainstorm new campaigns with creatives in agency offices around the world. Show clients images directly from your exotic photo shoots. Even present creative to the client who's stuck in the airport. So pick up the phone now and call 1-800...oh wait, this is the Internet. Go to and find out how you, too, can use online meetings to avoid facing your critics and mock your coworkers.
Word of Mouth Marketing Association Launches First Summit

The event will feature keynotes by Guy Kawasaki and Emanuel Rosen. BuzzMetric's Dave Balter, Starcom IP's Dan Buczaczer, Intelliseeks' Pete Blackshaw and others will lead and participate in a multitude of expert panels. Go here for details on the Summit and if you choose to attend, use the discount code "adrantsisamazing" to get $75 off the cost of attendance.
Email Marketing Alive And Well Says ExactTarget

And if all that doesn't convince, ExactTarget has a referral program with a monthly prize drawing for a toy-of-the-minute iPod.
HotJobs Say No to Super Bowl, Yes to Viral Supported Sweepstakes

HotJobs is promoting the sweepstakes through a series of humorous, security cam-based, online viral videos which depict awkward or frustrating workplace scenarios. The campaign hopes to motivate people to explore employment opportunities outside the mundane, daily situations they currently endure. The first of three videos can be viewed here.
AzoogleAds Gets Boost From Equity Firm

With a network of 2,500 sites, AzoogleAds provides advertisers and publishers customer acquisition programs, co-registration services as well as publisher CPM, CPC and CPA platforms.
Bronto Launches Free Trial of Private Label Emarketing Service For Agencies

HotJobs Eschews Super Bowl, Launches Second Sweepstakes Viral

HotJobs is promoting the Yahoo! HotJobs Big Game sweepstakes through a series of humorous, security cam-based, online viral videos which depict awkward or frustrating workplace scenarios. The campaign hopes to motivate people to explore employment opportunities outside the mundane, daily situations they currently endure. The second of three videos can be viewed here.
HotJobs Say No to Super Bowl, Yes to Viral Supported Sweepstakes

HotJobs is promoting the sweepstakes through a series of humorous, security cam-based, online viral videos which depict awkward or frustrating workplace scenarios. The campaign hopes to motivate people to explore employment opportunities outside the mundane, daily situations they currently endure. The first of three videos can be viewed here.
AzoogleAds Launches Recruitment Campaign, Continues to Grow

Avoid Boardroom Catfights, Love the Approval Process

Aquent's new video featuring Rigsby Design Principal Lana Rigsby, with her calming, slightly Southern inflection provides pointers marketing professionals can use to avoid catty confrontation and ease the creative development and approval process. Rigsby talks about the importance of the project brief, articulate leadership, collaboration versus consensus and how properly caring for the approval process leads to creative everyone can be proud of.
New Report Sheds Light on 'Contagious' Advertising

Contagious is edited by Paul Kemp-Robertson, former director of creative resources at Leo Burnett Worldwide. The first report includes teen trends, an interview with Malcolm Gladwell, a feature on maverick agency StrawberryFrog, a look at the impact of technology on Japanese society and a case study about McDonald's UK and how it's turning around its somewhat tarnished image. The accompanying DVD showcases "non-invasive" forms of marketing, including web films, advertiser funded programming and experiential marketing. Brands interested in surviving the new marketing landscape would do well to examine this report.
Don't Kill the Traffic Manager, Kill Archaic Agency Processes

Rather than kill the poor TM who's just doing his best at the most thankless of agency jobs, check out Aquent's new video explaining the steps agencies can take to avoid an agony worse than listening to Ashlee Simpson sing without the aid of a backing voice track.
Hipsters Shoot Commercials, Real Advertisers Use Search Engine Marketing

Brand Manager Butchers Ad, Teaches Creative A Lesson

Aquent Video Series Shakes Up Advertising Industry

Humorously, Bielenberg talks about a fake company, Virtual Telemetrics, he created to satirize and parody the rut some corporations find themselves in by developing a full blown set of brand materials replete with corporate jargon and inane babble to illustrate just how mindless some corporations can get. Of course, Aquent's role in all of this is to help eliminate the status quo and breathe fresh air into the mundane corporate workplace. We all need some of that, don't we?
HP Promotes Printers With Rebate And Free Camera Offer

AzoogleAds Helps Buyers Drink Less, Plan Better

BrainMass Professional Makes Life Easier For Agencies

BrainMass does all the stuff you need to do to make yourself brilliant. So when you need detailed market or competitive intelligence, trend identification and local market culture analysis, or primary research, let BrainMass do it for you. They'll even write your proposal. You still have to stand up and present it to your client, though. Let's see if we can come up with a good tagline here; "Impress. Work Less." "Be Smart. Don't Throw A Dart." "Thrill. Chill." Where's a good copywriter when you need one? Provides Reach to 42 Million Amazon Customers

Acknowledging the effect of ad-skipping and the increasing control consumers have over the media they consume, has developed a proprietary solution it claims is low-cost, targeted, measured, scalable, and turnkey. To aid marketers in determining the best use of the DVD as a marketing channel, offers research reports covering DVD penetration and consumer attitudes toward DVD-based marketing and an overview of the Amazon program.
Sanders Consulting Helps Agencies Win More Business

Beginning in October, Seminars will be held in Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York. To find out more and to register, visit the Sanders Consulting website.
Designers To Win $40,000 in HP 'Extreme Makeover' Ad Campaign

HP wants creatives to know this new line of printers uses dye-based inks which help images resist fading for up to 70 years, closed-loop color calibration to insure proper color propery and can produce 11 X 17, 2400 X 1200 images at four pages per minute. So if your sick of your crappy digs and want a collection of new electronic toys, take HP up on their offer to hook you up.
CMP's TechWeb Seminar Educates Technology Marketers, Raffles iPods

The seminar is scheduled for June 16, 2004 at 4PM EST and will last for one hour. Those who register will be entered in a drawing for the chance to win one of five Apple iPods or one of 20 $5 Starbucks Cards. TechWeb is also offering two free white papers from Bitpipe called "Writing White Papers for the US IT Market" and "2004 IT Marketing Trends Study Results" and an Executive Summary of MarketingSherpa's "IT Marketing Metrics Guide". They are free whether or not you attend the event.
STEP inside design Launches First Advertising Competition

So don't wait. Enter today. Print entries are $30 each; TV spots and web banners are $75 each, multi-media campaigns are $150. The entry deadline May 15.
TRENDWATCHING.COM Fall Seminar Series to Educate Marketers On Emerging Trends

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