SXSW Launches Yet Another Conference: SXSWuni


SXSW is huge. There's Interactive, there's Music, there's Film, there's Education, there's event a startup conference in Vegas. So why not a conference that focuses on all things Uni? Yes, Uni. As in unicycles, unitards, unibrows and unicorns.

The conference is called SXSWuni and aims to "unify unity for the universe." Content will feature a panel discussion with Anthony Davis, a man who is all about the unibrow and a film screening of The Last Unicorn.

Check out the event here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-13    
Topic: Industry Events, Spoofs

Finally! An Honest Ad From A Cable Company


The hatred and vitriol aimed at cable companies is the stuff of legend. Wouldn't it be nice in once, just once, a cable company would tell it like it is? Act like it knows just how bad its service is? Acknowledges it doesn't give a shit what you think about its pricing?

This ExtremelyDecentFilm video begins as your typical cable company commercial promising the world but soon turns completely honest in a way that, well, a cable company would never actually act.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-13    
Topic: Spoofs

StubHub's Ticket Oak Barfs Up Lattes


StubHub is back with its full on wackiness courtesy of Ticket Oak, that crazy tree filled with ticket stubs. In the new ad, created by D/C and shot by Biscuit Filmworks, Ticket Oak has a few too many Lattes and can't help buy spew out event ideas for the weekend.

Really nothing else to say other than watch it. Good stuff.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-13    
Topic: Strange

Honda Introduces First-Ever Mobile Barbering Tool


Today, Honda unveiled the first-ever mobile barbering tool for busy, cost-conscious families. The HondaHAIR will be available as a Honda Genuine Accessory that attaches to the 2014 Odyssey Touring Elite's HondaVAC to provide an efficient way to cut hair.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-13    
Topic: Spoofs

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HubSpot Punks Google Glass With 'SprocketVision'


So today is April Fool's Day and we are destined for a bunch of silliness. Courtesy of HubSpot comes SprocketVision, a "revolutionary new product that will change marketing forever."

What could possibly change marketing forever? SprocketVision, of course! SprocketVision is a pair of high tech glasses that help you find qualified leads for your business just by wearing them and walking around.

With "real-time inbound marketing" SprocketVision guides the user through the process of qualifying a lead in the real world.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-13    
Topic: Spoofs

AMC Does Something Stupid With 'Something More'


Here's the thing. On TV and in movies, story matters. Story always matters. No matter how many special effects or hot women the producers decide to throw in, it's all crap unless there's a good story line.

So why AMC decided to drop its "Story Matters Here" tagline in favor of the meaningless, applicable-to-anything "Something More" escapes logic.

Oh sure, today's culture has the attention span of a gnat and change can't come quick enough. But when change comes, it should at least make sense and this does not.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-13    
Topic: Opinion, Television