16 Best Tools to Use as a Copywriter


Copywriting is a challenging task, often because it involves encouraging the reader towards a call to action, such as signing up or buying. The process is time-consuming, cumbersome, and competing.

As a copywriter, you need to begin with an idea that has the right research and thought backing it. Eventually, as the idea begins to take shape on your screen, you need to put on the hat of an editor and diligently proofread through columns of text before publishing it.

Every professional has their tools and as a copywriter you need your own set to complete tasks faster, better and in an automated manner. The following 16 best tools to use as a copywriter are hand-picked to make your job easier.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-25-21    
Topic: Tools

7 Techniques That Will Improve Guest Blogging For Your Brand


Question: Is guest blogging one of the best inbound marketing strategies for your brand?
Answer: Yes.

At first, this might make little sense. You might ask yourself, "Why should I spend time writing for someone else? I'd rather spend that time promoting my blog on social media".

Guest blogging on websites and blogs within your niche gives your content some much-needed exposure to a broader relevant audience, attracts traffic to your website, and builds up your backlink profile. In other words, guest blogging is a tried and tested strategy for building the authority of your brand, and one that you would be smart not to ignore.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-25-21    
Topic: Weblogs

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