Cable News Hotties

Do we have the best looking anchor women in the world? Apparently so. Here's a round up of the cable babes from the dudes over at ApeChild. Read how they describe Laurie Dhue of Fox News:
Those lips... Laurie Dhue has incredible lips. And she knows it. She probably has an entire case of lipstick in her dressing room, every single piece in bright, "fuck-me-red." She hosts a health-related program on the weekends that old people watch and send in questions about new geriatric drugs. I can't even fathom a guess at the number of heart attacks she's caused by crossing and uncrossing her legs "Basic Instinct" style while that old doctor guy drones on about arthritis and prostates. I think about 30% of Viagra sales can be attributed directly to old dudes watching Laurie Dhue, her lips, and her legs on Sunday mornings... What else can I say?