Following several prank calls and a query as to whether she offered it in chocalate, a Salt Lake City woman pulled a classified ad offering for sale, her excess breast milk. The 23-year-old woman said she was just trying to help those in need by selling her milk for one dollar per once or $350 for 400 onces.
The Salt Lake City Tribune has said it will not accept anymore ads for breast milk. It was a sad day for the "milf-fetish" crowd.

Porn Portal Extraordinaire
Nick Denton, publisher of celebrity weblog Gawker and geek toy weblog Gizmodo, has added another weblog to his list of nano-publishing ventures. Launched today, Fleshbot is a weblog that will review and link to pornographic websites. Fleshbot is edited by Jonno d'Addario and contributed to by Carly Milne.
Already, the site has links to Paris Hilton sex tape stills as well as "anatomical correctness in computer-generated imagery, sexy newscasters, amateur English exhibitionists, Saturno Butto's erotic fetish portraits, and the homes of the rich a porny."
Like Gawker, the site is sure to be a success with it's mix of racy content and blog-like content aggregation serving the needs of all porn-loving Internet users. In other words, everybody.

Neighbors Beware
In this week's Ad Age TV Spots of the Week, PlayStation 2 teaches you how to blow up your neighbors back yard in a new hilarious spot for Gravity Bomb. Also this week are spots from Ford with Magic Johnson and his son, a commercial from Napster promoting the new pay service, a co-branded Cat in the Hat/Visa spot, a Lugz spot featuring Flexmaster Funk promoting the footwear maker's new driving shoe, a spot for BMW featuring mini-angels and a wird spot promoting CarpetOne that talks more about "head rugs" than it does floor rugs.

Would Guster Do This?
Best Buy has an exclusive deal to launch the Rolling Stones' new "Four Licks" four-DVD boxed set in exchange for the band's acting as Best Buy pitchmen in an upcoming ad campaign. The band will appear in the consumer electronics retailer's TV and print ads, online advertising, Sunday circulars and in-store advertising. The campaign will also include an entertainment showcase spot on TiVo and a Times Square Jumbotron.
The generation that followed the Rolling Stones and that this sort of "sell out" would bother is far too old to care while at the same time if, say, Guster struck a similar deal with Best Buy, would the younger, media saturated generation even care?